Secondly, in terms of decision-making mechanism on supply, the decision-making mechanism from top to bottom is an outcome of planned economy.
The flowing direction of the solution from top to bottom is beneficial for the deposition of the deposit so as to reduce the influence of the floating of the deposit on the cathode quality.
I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa.
The technique sequence is laid out in linear fashion from top to bottom because our brain needs information to be linear in order to process it through our systems.
The more we learn about nature, the more we discover how interconnected it is—from the top of the food chain all the way to the bottom.
Also from Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin, the mirror room is a diamond shaped room lined top to bottom with mirrors giving a kaleidoscope kind of effect.
There is a social gradient in health that runs from top to bottom of the socioeconomic spectrum.
Therefore, when a registration is being created, its name is compared to the trace property entries from top to bottom.
It's best to read such execution plans from the left-lowest operator in the tree, since the logical flow in the plan is from bottom to top and left to right.
Its height from the bottom to the top is almost 30 meters, and the width is from 8 to 12 meters.
Assuming the bubbles emanate from our Galaxy's center, the scale of the bubbles is huge, rivaling the entire Galaxy in size, and spanning about 50, 000 light years from top to bottom.
Results flow from the bottom of the run tree (leaf nodes) to the top (XTree node) where the result is represented in RSAPI (Resultset API) format and can be sent to the report service for rendering.
结果从运行树(叶子节点)流到顶部(XTree节点),其中结果以 RSAPI (ResultsetAPI)格式表示,且可被发送到报表服务以供呈现。
The VBox is a container, and it will lay out its contents in a vertical fashion from top to bottom.
This structure is used to enqueue work from the top half to be deferred for execution later by the bottom half.
该结构体用于将任务安排出tophalf ,进入bottom half ,从而延迟它的执行。
The best way to discover all of Blueprint's tricks is to read the screen.css file from top to bottom.
发现所有Blueprint技巧最好的方式是从上至下读取screen. css文件。
From the bottom of the valley to the top of El Cap is about one thousand one hundred meters.
The Kailasanatha temple at Ellora is a good example of the former, excavated from top to bottom out of a massive rock face.
As in books, where the characters flow from top to bottom, so life is run vertically, with seniority often synonymous with age.
This step is optional, but I created a layer and have applied a linear gradient from top to bottom to increase the contrast at the bottom of the PIC.
Now our biggest job is trying to teach you that now you have come to the plasmatic condition of the fields and how easy it will be to go from bottom to top and now you are on the top.
Clean air from the top of the dry, and online at the bottom of the flow of compressed air flow to the contrary, to ensure the spray drying tower at the exit of desiccant is always the most dry.
Although the tutorial is devided into sections, it is recommended that you read it all from top to bottom.
That is why doctors advise people to perform monthly exams of all areas of skin, from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.
It seems the material is porcelain, and all were white from top to bottom, I need to put it to use MicroHand beautiful dress.
A casing string that does not extend to the top of the wellbore, but instead is anchored or suspended from inside the bottom of the previous casing string.
Yaw axis - Vertical axis, passes through the airplane from top to bottom - left and right control is by rudder.
The biggest problem in cultivation of Roridula is that sometimes the plants turn brown on the growing tips and rot from top to bottom within few days.
Moving ball - the ball on top simple moves from left to right, but the bottom ball anticipates the motion before moving, broadcasting what is about to happen.
Moving ball - the ball on top simple moves from left to right, but the bottom ball anticipates the motion before moving, broadcasting what is about to happen.