Some automobile makers and customizers can fit your tank with a kind of foam used in race cars to protect fuel tanks and conserve fuel.
Above it was a battery. Maybe there was a short circuit that affected the fuel tank?
Cracks discovered in the shuttle's external fuel tank have sparked a lengthy investigation.
NASA is hoping the fuel tank will be repaired in time for a late April or early May launch.
The only problem is that such a plan would require the construction of an entirely new external fuel tank.
Additional safety features include run-flat tyres, a self-sealing fuel tank and a fire-extinguishing system.
Check your local garage or your favorite auto customizer for details on how the foam can be fit inside your fuel tank.
The fuel system only has several major parts such as fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, carburetor, intake manifold, etc.
So when you bring the carbohydrate fuel tank to empty, the body is forced then to metabolize fat rather than carbohydrates.
The four places in the automobile from which pollutants can escape are the fuel tank, carburetor, crankcase and tail pipe .
Also ensure that the fuel tank was properly installed so that leaks or fumes cannot collect belowdecks and create an explosion risk.
But in launch position, the orbiter is perched on the side of its 15-story external fuel tank and flanked by two solid rocket boosters.
To keep pace with the changing needs of the global UAS market, Schiebel now offers an external fuel tank for extended range and endurance.
The antiprotons in this scheme would be gathered into a vast fuel tank, a nearly weightless cloud hundreds of meters long surrounding the craft.
During the STS-114 launch, a turkey vulture fatally flew into the shuttle's orange fuel tank, leaving it to fall hundreds of feet to its death.
Within a month, every fuel tank would be dry, all our gauge needles would point to "e," and the roads, rails and skies would be virtually empty.
A typical fuel-supply system consists of a fuel tank assembly, fuel lines, or fuel pump, and outlet filter. The fuel tank stores a supply of fuel.
The Saturn fuel tank will detach from the body of the main LCROSS unit - which, stuffed with cameras and sensing equipment, ACTS as the mission's brain.
The orbiter has now been bolted to its external fuel tank and is set to go on its 39th and final mission to the International Space Station on 1 November.
Shuttle program managers made the decision at 7:24 a.m. EST after a failure occurred in a fuel sensor system while Atlantis' external fuel tank was being filled.
The US insisted at the time that it undertook the operation to prevent the satellite returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard.
The US insisted at the time that it undertook the operation to prevent the satellite returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard.