The UTP Ethernet variants support an additional autoconfiguration protocol that allows two Ethernet systems to negotiate which speed to use, in full or half duplex mode.
Network access occurred through a single 1 GB Ethernet adapter running in full-duplex mode.
Network access was through a single, 1 GBit Ethernet adapter running in full-duplex mode.
Once established, WebSocket data frames can be sent back and forth between the client and the server in full-duplex mode.
Network access was through a single 1 GBit Ethernet adapter running in full-duplex mode.
The mail databases were spread across five IBM FAStT 600 arrays, also RAID 0. Network access was through a single 1 GB Ethernet adapter running in full duplex mode.
邮件数据库分散在5个IBMFAStT 600阵列上,其配置也是RAID0。网络访问是通过一个1GB的以太网适配器进行的,它采用的是全双工模式。
This kind of communication mode employs three-wire connection and full duplex synchronous data transmission. It has the features of less link, fast speed, high reliability and etc.
This kind of communication mode employs three-wire connection and full duplex synchronous data transmission. It has the features of less link, fast speed, high reliability and etc.