He died in 1900, full of years and honours.
Can you lend me the ears to listen to my words full of years.
When David was old and full of years, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.
Now Jehoiada was old and full of years, and he died at the age of a hundred and thirty.
Every time my mother took me out shopping, she always use the only be full of years trace hand hold my hand, her hand always grabs hold my hand, I was afraid to lose it.
My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of stamps.
In a million words written over 20 years, he captured the full range of human emotions and conflicts with a precision that remains sharp today.
The sword hasn't had a military function for a hundred years, but is still part of an officer's full-dress uniform, precisely because a sword always symbolized "an officer and a gentleman".
His last full-time job, as a merchandise buyer and product developer, ended four years ago when his employer went out of business.
The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.
Becoming a full-time, successful actor would still be an uphill battle for another eight years until he landed a number of film roles that finally got him noticed.
Mr Cameron's big vulnerability is that the full consequences of his cuts will take years to emerge.
This was a full eight years before the museum of modern art opened in New York, making the Phillips Collection America's first modern-art museum.
For five years, he would let companies immediately write off against profits the full cost of equipment meant to last three to five years.
Since easing the siege in June, Israel has pumped Gaza full of goods, including, for the first time in three years, cars.
Most manufacturers of wind turbines have full order books for the next few years.
She's 79 years old and chock full of 79 years worth of wisdom and life stories.
The rate of new infections (now 20 per 1,000 people per year) would fall within ten years of full implementation to one per 1,000 per year.
And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river.
Yet most girls were apparently losing their virginity younger - between the ages of 17 and 20, a full two years earlier than the generation of the Fifties.
The mobile Web is not some weaker version of the Web you have programmed for years. It is a more powerful version full of possibilities.
移动Web并不是您多年来一直为之编程的 Web的简化版,而是更强大的、拥有无限可能性的版本。
The years went by, full of performances and praise.
The full effects of the oil spill may not be known for years.
Unilever dumped its joint ventures years ago, to ensure it had full control of all domestic Chinese operations.
Almost nobody works for the 45 years needed to retire on a full pension, worth 75% of salary.
These laws really haven't settled anything; it will take years of regulatory implementation before their full impact can be determined.
Since brain tumours often develop very slowly it may be many years before the full impact of our reliance on mobiles becomes clear.
In recent years, caves full of bats have been dying from white nose syndrome.
In recent years, caves full of bats have been dying from white nose syndrome.