In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.
Functional MRI scans showed where and when those releases happened.
The researchers evaluated functional MRI signals of the players' brains.
Owen's research group used functional MRI scanning, which images the brain.
Functional MRI allows doctors to look at how blood flow increases in response to brain activity.
Functional MRI reveals compromised neural integrity of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia.
Resting state functional MRI (fMRI) has been one of the most important techniques for human brain function analyses.
Using functional MRI (FMRI), researchers found that this system encodes prediction error when participants made prediction.
In this paper, we reviewed the state -of-the art of the functional MRI techniques in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Functional MRI is based on the increase in blood flow to the local vasculature that accompanies neural activity in the brain.
The software analyzes functional MRI scans to determine what parts of a person's brain is being activated as he or she thinks.
Back in 1996 I decided to use a technique called functional MRI to study the brains of men and women who had just fall in love.
Researchers hooked men and women up to functional MRI machines while the participants played a video game designed for the study.
He and his colleagues in Germany used functional MRI to study the brain activity of healthy volunteers from urban and rural areas.
Researchers performed functional MRI scans on the brains of 24 subjects who were having an arm heated to the point of moderate pain.
They then scanned the prisoners' brains using functional MRI as the prisoners were shown photos of people being intentionally hurt.
Functional MRI is used to study the effects of acupuncture on the BOLD response and the functional connectivity of the human brain.
I and my colleagues Art Aron and Lucy Brown and others, have put 37 people who are madly in love into a functional MRI brain scanner.
我和阿尔特.阿伦、露西.布朗还有其他同事对37位处在恋爱不同阶段的人的大脑 进行了核磁共振测试, 其中17位正享受爱情带来的幸福,而15位则刚刚被甩。
With PET scans and functional MRI, we can observe fluctuations in brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow and levels of nutrients.
Functional MRI (fMRI) techniques can capture blood flow in the brain, but these hemodynamic changes occur seconds after the neuron has fired.
Functional MRI charts changes in brain blood flow, allowing researchers to see which brain areas become more active in response to a particular stimulus.
A functional MRI scanning device monitored brain activity, with the researchers concentrating on the amygdala, an area associated with emotional response.
Lashley was right, it turns out, and a little wrong: We know from functional MRI studies, among other tests, that memory does have a regional component, too.
Functional MRI with MION is a noninvasive technique with regard to the eye, permitting measurement of blood volume and cellular uptake of the contrast agent.
Functional MRI scans taken during the study also revealed that volunteers who had been given caffeine had increased activity in the brain regions involving attention.
They have used an approach called functional MRI to monitor activity in the brain as stroke patients re-learn motor skills that were lost as a result of their illness.
Objective: to study the the neurophysiology of heterotopic gray matter using functional MRI associated with motor task and the guidance function of fMRI in neurosurgery.
The analysis approach based proper algorithm extracts the real BOLD information from functional MRI data, which make the representation of brain map be better as result.
Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.
Our newest experiment has been hatched by my colleague, Art Aron, putting people who are reporting that they are still in love, in a long-term relationship, into the functional MRI.