Therefore, such component is a significant part to stimulate solar fusion reaction.
Every fusion reaction devours exactly one tritium ion and produces exactly one neutron.
They have less than eight percent of the mass of the sun, which is not enough to sustain the fusion reaction that keeps the sun hot.
And that's the way you make your tritium. But fortunately, if you can do this fusion reaction, you've got a neutron, so you can make that happen.
That simplest fusion reaction, four hydrogens into one helium, works for turning a ball of gas like the Sun, 865,000 miles across, into a shining star.
Infection of host cells by virus is the key for the virulence, virus particles infect the host cells by binding to cellular receptor and by the receptor-mediated membrane fusion reaction.
About 80 percent of the fusion energy released is in the form of those neutrons, so the reaction isn't very healthy (or useful) for a starship.
The fusion probabilities PCN of some reaction channels based on the mechanism of cold fusion are also calculated.
The first samples were made through a nuclear reaction involving fusion of an isotope of californium, 249 Cf, with one of oxygen, 18 o.
The antigen regions of the aimed gene were selected to be expressed, which could benefit the expression of soluble fusion proteins, and the speciality of serological reaction is satisfied.
This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Stimulation energy with Pycnodeuterium easily caused intense solid-state nuclear fusion, whereas with Pycnohydrogen no reaction occurred.
Stimulation energy with Pycnodeuterium easily caused intense solid-state nuclear fusion, whereas with Pycnohydrogen no reaction occurred.