If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement in some future period can undo that choice.
The change of boss is likely to lead to a period of turmoil at Areva at a time when it is already facing a difficult future as utilities may delay or cancel orders for reactors following Fukushima.
This will ensure that data from a specific project can be easily retrieved and a repository comprising project data can be formed for future reference over a period of time.
The Friday meeting heard a work report by the Ministry of Health on the status quo and future plans of HIV prevention and control, and endorsed a five-year plan for the 2011-2015 period.
周五的会议也听取了卫生部关于艾滋病防控工作上的现状,计划的报告。 同意了2011-2015年5年计划。
We use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be going on at a particular moment or period of time in the future.
I'm going back to working with a few indicators-energy, economy, health, population growth, education-over a 250-year period to really make people see the future.
Literacy education will continue to be a period of time in the future Chinese education is quite onerous task.
In fact, everyone, in a period of time, will face some kind of pressure, and will feel bewildered, not sure about their future and even wanna escape from the pressure and responsibility.
Famous university, graduate student, during the period of school with mentor completed similar projects, all of which make them feel that the future of a good.
I did not want to be part of big scams that promised to help people in the so called 'transitional period', but instead ensured that a future of calamities would come faster.
Food consumption in consumption in the proportion of although the trend is down, but the future for a long period of time will also occupy the position play a decisive role.
China is currently in a period of great historical significance inheriting the past and opening future.
But just as the love of marriage and driving period, though short, hard but it relates to our future happiness and peace for a long time.
The sustained growth of Chinese economy foresees that a great business opportunity is contained in such a developing growing market in a long period of future.
This period is the key to knowledge accumulation, which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual.
German are more present-oriented than future-oriented. So stress the immediate benefits of your proposal within a short-term period.
On the basis of clarifying the connotation, this paper analyses its characteristic and impact on corporation marketing behavior for a period in the future.
In the freshman year of this confident about the future and the Sentimental high school a little nostalgia for the double period, we really shed sweat for their own dreams.
Budgeting is the formulation of plans for a given future period in numerical terms.
For a long period of time in the future, China's tourism industry will be in an explosive growth stage.
The company comprehensive competence which is the market competent ability in a long-term period includes not only survival situation now but also the future aspect.
Jigging washing will be one of the major coal separation methods during a long period both at present and in the future.
The development tasks and key work are arranged in 2007 and a period of the future in Shengli Oilfield.
The Dynamic time series period analysis and prediction model analyses a serial-typed time series from the point of statistics, finding out the law. thereby succeeding in predicting the future.
The Dynamic time series period analysis and prediction model analyses a serial-typed time series from the point of statistics, finding out the law. thereby succeeding in predicting the future.