They will gain weight instead of losing weight.
As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.
A 2015 study from the University of California, Berkeley, found that teens who go to bed late are more likely to gain weight over a five-year period.
It's not usually healthy for kids to go on diets - to lose or gain weight.
Healthy weight: you didn't gain weight overnight and you aren't going to lose it overnight.
And some of us may just be inclined to gain weight while others are not, due to genetics.
Many girls worry about how their bodies look and are afraid to gain weight during pregnancy.
Of course you know there are often emotional reasons behind gain weight (or becoming too thin).
The study showed that when men gain weight, their paychecks don't suffer the same way women's do.
Children, who don't gain weight after feedings, are tested, and generally found to be HIV positive.
And that is: How do some folks manage to live in the same "toxic environment" and never gain weight?
You will gain weight, and as your body becomes heavier, you'll start to notice changes in its overall shape.
Delinsky has studied the eating habits of freshmen women, and she finds that they don't all gain weight.
As the woman begins to feel comfortable in the relationship, she starts to gain weight, 4.5kg on average.
You will also want to consider consuming large amounts of carbohydrates if you are trying to gain weight.
He pointed out that formula milk is based on cow's milk - and that cows gain weight much faster than humans.
This makes it easier to gain weight, and makes you more prone to the health problems that fatness often brings.
Stretch marks, red skin striations that can gradually fade to a silvery hue, form when you gain weight rapidly.
Do eat a small snack if you wake up hungry, but don't get into the habit of eating too much, as you may gain weight.
New research shows that in the first couple years after marriage, women are much more likely than men to gain weight.
It's reported that 95% of people who dieting and ultimately gain weight back and probably get fat than they have lost.
When Lu Hao was born he weighed just 2.6 kilograms, however, from the time he was three months old he began to gain weight rapidly.
A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year.
An overabundance of carbohydrates can make it easy to gain weight, de-stabilize blood sugar levels, and result in too many calories.
These mice ended up getting sick a lot, and needed to eat much more than normal mice with intestinal bacteria in order to gain weight.
In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone - whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight!
The research also found that even 12 weeks after the rats stopped taking Splenda, they continued to gain weight compared to a control group.
They are a bit like a doctor telling a patient to stop smoking to avoid the risk of lung cancer and the patient asking, "won't I gain weight?"
They are a bit like a doctor telling a patient to stop smoking to avoid the risk of lung cancer and the patient asking, "won't I gain weight?"