The deals can also be risky, says Galia Velimukhametova of GLG Partners, a European hedge fund.
Galia Traub (WPI '09) contrasts the ECPD definition to Kulak's implications that engineering is about "static processes and brittle team structures that tend to discourage change."
GaliaTraub (WPI'09)比较了ECPD定义和Kulak所说的工程学是关于“易于阻碍变化的静态的过程和脆弱的团队结构”的说法。
Galia Traub (WPI '09) contrasts the ECPD definition to Kulak's implications that engineering is about "static processes and brittle team structures that tend to discourage change."
GaliaTraub (WPI'09)比较了ECPD定义和Kulak所说的工程学是关于“易于阻碍变化的静态的过程和脆弱的团队结构”的说法。