Interwell interference of horizontal well has made a certain influence on the well application in gas-cap oil reservoir with bottom water.
The gas-cap oil reservoir is an oil reservoir overtopped with gas phase hydrocarbon that is in a unified hydrodynamic system with the underneath oil deposit and the water body.
The near disposition of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock is favorable for oil and gas accumulation in buried hill traps.
The boundary between the oil and the gas cap in a subsurface, saturated oil reservoir.
From central sag to the edge, the distribution of reservoirs shows the law of oil reservoir-gas cap reservoir-pure gas reservoir.
There are large number of oil fields developed under gas cap drive in operation currently, however, much less studies on the reservoir behavior of such oil fields have been carried.
An oil reservoir with a free gas cap that supplies the energy to sweep the oil through the reservoir rock into the Wells.
The Jurassic Sangonghe reservoir in Mobei-2Wellblock is a typical gas-cap pool where the gas cap volume is0.91times as big as its oil ring's.
There are well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage and favourable oil-gas migration and accumulation condition.
There are well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage and favourable oil-gas migration and accumulation condition. Five circular structures interpreted from Landsat MSS images are fav…
There are well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage and favourable oil-gas migration and accumulation condition. Five circular structures interpreted from Landsat MSS images are fav…