Tyche is the nickname given to a hypothesized gas giant planet located in the Solar System's Oort cloud.
As one example, a gas giant planet called HD 209458b has been found to contain oxygen, carbon and water.
举个例子,人们发现一颗被称为HD 209458b的巨大的气体行星含有氧、碳和水。
This image of Saturn was made in November 1980 by the Voyager1 spacecraft as it flew past the ringed gas giant planet.
It's a gas giant planet also called Osiris, and it's orbiting so close to its star that some of its atmosphere gets blown away by the stellar wind.
Orbiting only about three million miles out from its star, the Jupiter-size gas giant planet, dubbed TrES-2b, is heated to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius).
Orbiting only about three million miles out from its star, the Jupiter-size gas giant planet, dubbed TrES-2b, is heated to 1, 800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius).
这颗巨大的行星大小同木星相当,被称作TrES - 2b,运行轨道距离其恒星只有大约300万英里,表面温度达华氏1800度(摄氏980度)。
Though the researchers have no direct proof that the new planet is rocky, its mass means it is not a giant gas planet like Jupiter, they said.
Not only is the planet a gas giant similar to Jupiter or Saturn, the planet follows an orbit that brings it very close to its parent star.
This is a transitional planet somewhere between a gas giant and what we've been hoping to find.
The planet, HR 8799e, is a gas giant rather like Jupiter, but about 10 times as massive — similar to the other three planets in the system, which Marois discovered in 2008.
这颗编号为HR 8799e的行星是一颗与木星相似的气态巨星,但其质量约是木星的10倍,这一点与该星系中由Marois于2008年发现的其它三颗行星相似。
The icy rings of Saturn could be what's left of an ancient ice-rock moon that got stripped and swallowed by the gas-giant planet. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Giant planet GJ 436b in the constellation Leo is missing something — and that something is swamp gas.
位于狮子座的巨大的行星GJ 436b正在丢失一些东西,这些东西就是沼气。
This outer planet is a gas giant, like Jupiter or Saturn or Uranus.
Any young Earth-like planet, they thought, would be obliterated by the gas giant as it marched inwards.
Any young Earth-like planet, they thought, would be obliterated by the gas giant as it marched inwards.