Now, Some high-quality ornamental plants lack fragrance and can not completely meet the market demand. It's a value to the floral gene clone.
Acquiring barley mutants and research on them was key for gene clone and function analysis, and was the base of improvement for agricultural character using biotechnology.
The purpose of this paper is to review citrinin's physicochemical properties, toxicity, inhibiting bacteria activity, analytical methods, biosynthetic pathway, gene clone, etc.
Clone and express bradyzoite antigen 1(BAG1) gene of T. gondii, and analyze the immunoreactivity of the recombinant product.
There are many methods can get gene, but the transposon tagging technique makes clone easily and simply.
Objective to clone and sequence HCV NS5B gene, and to investigate the mutation of the gene.
This dissertation USES the gene engineering method to clone, express and purifies the human ALR gene.
Objective to clone the gene of human lactoferrin and analyze its sequence.
Clone of avirulence gene and other pathogenesis-related genes contribute to understanding the pathogenic specificity and infectious mechanism.
The clone and expression of cellulase gene of trichoderma spp.
In modern research of molecular biology, we usually need to analyse or clone these flanking sequence in given sites, so as to study gene expression and control.
Conclusion: The gene array can be used to show lymphocytic clone distribution in normal person and change in patients.
Objective: To clone the thioredoxin reductase (TR) gene from human fatal brain.
Objective To clone the promoter sequence of AFLR gene from Aspergillus oryzae and to make it possible for further researches to reveal the mechanism of aflatoxin production by Aspergillus.
目的从米曲霉菌中克隆AFL R基因启动子序列,为进一步开展有关研究以深入阐明曲霉菌产生黄曲霉毒素的机制打下基础。
Objective:To explore whether detecting minimal residual disease of leukemia with hyper-methylation of the calcitonin gene as molecular genetic marker of leukemic clone to predict the prognosis.
Conclussion: We could screen high expressed clone of heterologous gene using tetracycline resistance screening system.
Objective To construct the clone vector of S gene in occult hepatitis B virus infection. To analyse its mutations and to construct its prokaryotic expression vector.
Objective To identify and clone the gene encoding human ubiquitin binding enzyme and study its expression spectrum.
Objective: To clone and express the horseradish peroxidase isozyme C3 (HRPC3) gene.
目的:克隆与表达辣根过氧化物酶同功酶c3 (HRPC3)基因。
The results showed that it was an efficient technique to clone new genes by searching EST database with homologous gene of model species.
Objective: To clone and express the gene of human enterokinase light chain which would be used in the cleavage and purification of fusion proteins.
Conclusion Successful clone of an integrity SARS-CoV nucleocapsid gene and its effective expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae can be beneficial to the research on SARS vaccine.
Objective:To clone full-length FKN gene of human, chimpanzee and leaf monkey and compare their difference in genome and protein expression level.
Objective To clone and express the hexamer of the gene of spider dragline silk protein, as a foundation of further research on the functions of the dragline silk protein gene of different lengths.
AIM: to clone rat neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) total gene and construct expression plasmid for prokaryotic cells.
This was the first time to clone flavonoid 3 '-hydroxy-lase gene from genomic DNA of woody plants by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR.
Aim to clone human CD81 gene from peripheral blood lymphocytes, and construct its eukaryotic expression vector, and then express it in COS-7 cells.
目的从人外周血淋巴细胞中克隆出cd 81基因,构建真核表达质粒,并在COS - 7细胞中进行表达。
AIM: to clone and analyze the mouse LASS1 gene promoter, so as to lay a foundation for the further research of the transcriptional regulation of LAG1 gene in cell senescence.
Breeding of good quality, high yield, disease resistance and wide adaptability Indica rice cultivar, mutation breeding, and molecular genetics and gene mapping and clone of some rice traits.
Along with the successful clone of ABO blood group gene, application of PCR has made the ABO blood group identification reach a more precise level.