At the end, some general instructions for the process design of flash die forging of axisymmetric gear blanks with blind hole were suggested.
The specific rating criteria for each item are attached. The general instructions included within this specification apply to the "rating" as a whole.
Bidders are expected to examine the requirement schedule and these general instructions and conditions. Failure to do so will be at the bidders own risk.
There are several sources of information from which to find instructions for how to troubleshoot various types of problems, whether specific to co-located applications, or more general.
The article includes a design patterns section that contains general descriptions and diagrams of example patterns (step-by-step instructions are not included).
The following instructions used to set up the kernel build environment are specific to Fedora Core, but the general principles are applicable to any Linux distribution.
下面用于设置内核构建环境的指导信息是专门针对Fedora Core 的,但是一般原理适用于所有 Linux 发行版。
General Vega is attempting to reach the site from the north, once you have recapture the temple, I will give you further instructions.
Pertinent medical history can be elicited, general and specific instructions can be given, and reassurance offered to the patient.
In general, the jury instructions come from a series of books published in each state that contain sample jury instructions based on the case law and statutes that have evolved in that state.
Public sign is the general term for signs of indication, reminder, instructions and warning in public.
The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.
The USP–NF General Test Chapter <11> USP Reference Standards provides additional information and instructions for proper use and storage.
USP-NF通则<11> USP标准物质提供了更多正确使用和储存标准品的信息和指导。
In general, the greater the number of instructions set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.
总的来说,指令集中的指令数越多,CPU中的传播延迟越大。 峚。
In general, the greater the number of instructions set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.
The ability to store and execute instructions, the stored program concept, is the most important property of a general-purpose computer.
The initial instructions that Director George Lucas gave the Art Department were very open-ended: "a droid general."
The surface treatment technology is introduced for the high strength, bolt mechanical zinc coating. Specific instructions are provided for general trouble-shooting in the operation.
By following the simple step-by-step instructions in "Hand Reflexology" you will learn to balance and detoxify the body's systems, fight stress and improve general wellbeing.
These speech act sentences of conventional meanings, literally they are just some words and statements; if based on general rules, the illocutionary force is indeed giving instructions.
The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the World Bank Standard Bidding Documents: procurement of Goods.
It is essential that warning procedures, evacuation instructions, other related information and general communications are made in the languages spoken in the region.
It is essential that warning procedures, evacuation instructions, other related information and general communications are made in the languages spoken in the region.