A. General session registration is required in order to attend a postgraduate course or meet the professor session.
The investigators presented their findings today during the 87th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research.
Registration fees for the postgraduate courses and meet the professor sessions are additional to the general session registration fee.
Q. Is it possible to register for a postgraduate course or meet the professor session without registering for the SLEEP 2009 general session?
This is the acid test, and this is where we are failing," said WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan, speaking Tuesday at the opening session of the TDR Joint Coordinating Board.
Look at the general form of the XML for a start session request (see highlighted sections) shown in listing 4.
And who could forget thelayered milk-chocolate-coloredsatin outfit (complete with black beret and a pin in the silhouette ofAfrica) that he wore at last year's U.N. General Assembly session?
On September 20, 2005, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing who was attending the 60th session of the United Nations General Assembly met with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in New York.
Error Informs the user about general problems, for example, incorrect passwords, an expired session, etc.
Foreground (FG) reads and FG writes are the general reads and writes done during the session.
Foreground (FG)reads和FGwrites是在会话期间发生的一般读写操作。
To reduce system startup times and general overhead, use non-persistent session beans rather than entity beans (which automatically maintain state information) whenever possible.
为了缩短系统启动时间并降低整体负荷,应尽可能使用非持久性会话bean,而不应使用实体 bean(将自动维护状态信息)。
The Director-General of WHO will give a keynote address at the opening session, and other WHO senior staff will take part in breakfast briefings and panel discussions throughout the four days.
At a general level, though, they encapsulate one or more of the following basic session-maintenance mechanisms in an abstract interface.
The Arab League is meeting in an emergency session today after its outgoing secretary general, Amr Moussa, called for an immediate halt to the military action and for talks.
And who could forget the layered milk-chocolate-colored satin outfit (complete with black beret and a pin in the silhouette of Africa) that he wore at last year's U. N. General Assembly session?
Finally, I wish a full success of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization.
In general, the overhead for stateful session beans is greater than for stateless session beans.
First you will select the general component types (such as servlets and session beans).
The first session adjourned without going beyond general principles.
Control layer: the Call Session control Function (CSCF), which is a general name that refers to SIP servers or proxies, is one of the core elements in the control layer.
控制层:呼叫会话控制功能(Call Session Control Function,CSCF)是指代sip服务器或代理的统称,是控制层中的核心组成部分之一。
The General Group OAS has implemented such functions as E-mail, management of receiving and sending document, session management, callboard and so on.
Ahmadinejad, speaking in an annual appearance at the opening of the General Assembly's new session, described the United States and its allies as the sources of misery going back centuries.
In 1980, the 21st session of the General Assembly of UNESCO, has demonstrated the uneven spread of world news, inequality, and proposed the establishment of a new order of international media.
Mastering basic expressions commonly used in the session can communicate with foreigners in General, for example, you can meet the service staff of the oral request.
June 10, 2011, the three-day 65th session of the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS at United Nations Headquarters in New York closing.
According to the general principle of modern civil proceeding, holding a session is the core of civil cases, and the proper court procedures can guarantee the fairness and quality of a civil law case.
Overall today's Asian session was dampened by a general mood of risk aversion.
This essay illustrates the importance of demonstrating experiment and imitating experiment in physics and discusses how to strengthen the laboratory session of general physics.
This essay illustrates the importance of demonstrating experiment and imitating experiment in physics and discusses how to strengthen the laboratory session of general physics.