As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race.
As soon as a new book came out, you would send your children to bed early so you could get a head start on Harry Potter.
Get a head start on spring-cleaning and donate clothes, toys, furniture, household items, and old computers to nonprofits accepting them.
She'd pick me up at school in the early afternoon and drive me over to the country club so I could get a head start on the other caddies.
You might even consider doing a test run: with a lot of businesses, you can get a head start on things even while you're still gainfully employed.
You might even consider doing a test run: with a lot of businesses, you can get a head start on things even while you 're still gainfully employed.
He would force me to come to his room and he tutored me very strictly because he was determined that I would get a head start on the other students.
I like to use that time to get a head start on preparing my kids' lunches, on planning for the rest of the day (when I set my MITs), on exercising or meditating, and on reading.
By starting work earlier than your colleagues and clients, you can get a head-start on the day before calls start coming in.
By starting work earlier than your colleagues and clients, you can get a head-start on the day before calls start coming in.