As they groom themselves, the tears-and the pheromone-get spread around their bodies and nests.
As it does, our postwar assumption that the US is the place where most global consumer brands get launched before being spread around the world is being undermined.
Only in the 1980s did the term get the meaning it now has, when Theodore Levitt, a Harvard academic, used it to refer to the spread of corporations around the world.
Direction for use: Get appropriate amount of the product, mildly spread on the skin around the eyes from inside canthus to tail of the eyes, till it absorbed completely.
The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe.
一些女士们定期在科隆博物馆的咖啡厅里聚会。 她们不闲谈八卦,而是直接切入正题探讨俳句——一种从日本风靡至全球的短小精悍的诗体。
Directions: After face care every morning and evening, get some with finger pulp, lightly spread around eye-contour skin until absorbed.
Directions: After face care every morning and evening, get some with finger pulp, lightly spread around eye-contour skin until absorbed.