In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: "There is only one way…to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it."
If you enjoy the coast and the country, you'll get the best of both worlds on this walk.
Personal greed. - Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you.
Ninastayscalm, divulges nothing and never lets Mason get the best of her.
Brad: I had no choice but prove that Tourette's would never get the best of me.
Opening to the world is opening to the inside and this allows us to get the best of us.
A Facebook page can be just about anything, so let your imagination get the best of you.
As regards transport, Paris and London are really near so you get the best of several worlds.
Note however that these options aren't mutually excluding and you can get the best of two worlds.
One way to get the best of both worlds is to use GRDDL, a system for viewing XML through an RDF lens.
集两者之大成的方法之一就是使用GRDDL,一种通过RDF 的视角查看XML的系统。
But when we lose focus and stumble off our path it's hard not to let our frustration get the best of us.
But the employee rules flooded into my mind: Remain polite, but do not let customers get the best of you.
Personal greed. - Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you. Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.
But be aware that your compassion can sometimes get the best of you, putting you too far behind everyone else!
Alcohol doesn't get the best of press these days. But researchers say it could be the secret to a happy marriage.
Using embedded scripting, you can usually get the best of both worlds, with a slim and perfomant core and easy extensibility.
Even though I was in the college of engineering, I was able to pick up those extra classes and get the best of both worlds.
虽然我是软件工程系的,我还 是可以在保证不影响专业课的前提下去旁听那些对我有帮助的课程。
Being prepared and ready to deal with frustration and irritation helps us intervene before our emotions get the best of us.
Some approaches allow you to get the best of both worlds: using the best technology while serving as many users as possible.
In the course of time I began to get the best of this knotty lesson, and my self-complacency moved to the front once more. Mr.
If it's a bustling metropolis where you can get the best of everything is what you want, then living in Las Vegas is what you need.
Using this approach, as Rails does, you get the best of both worlds: concise code with less repetition without sacrificing flexibility.
That means you get the best of both worlds - great traction in the racing line, and for those moments where you stray off the racing line.
After each file has been processed, we'll need to sort the results hash again to get the best of all matches across all the available files.
Be willing to fail: to have bad dates, say the wrong thing, make a fool of yourself, let your emotions get the best of you and then try again.
Criticism is never easy to take: But when you receive it, there are two choices: you can let emotion get the best of you, or you can learn from it.
Criticism mis never easy to take: But when you receive it, there are two choices: you can let emotion get the best of you, or you can learn from it.
A simple memory of the great horror movie quotes when you're alone and the lights are out or there's a chill in the air and weird sounds are heard, is enough to get the best of us sweating.
A simple memory of the great horror movie quotes when you're alone and the lights are out or there's a chill in the air and weird sounds are heard, is enough to get the best of us sweating.