He began to get the knack of cycling one-handed, and increased his speed.
Get the knack in this course, and it will –effortlessly –change your life.
"You've got to get the knack of working both arms at once," he said. "it takes a little practice."
I know you're used to painting with a brush, but a roller's far quicker once you get the knack of it.
One CEO told me that if she had a knack for leadership, it was the capacity to make as many mistakes as she could as soon as possible, and thus get them out of the way.
Anything done the first time is always exciting, for instance, an infant to take the first step in walking, a learner to get the first knack of swimming.
Anything done the first time is always exciting, for instance, an infant to take the first step in walking, a learner to get the first knack of swimming.