The problem may be that, in our offices, we can't stop ourselves from getting drawn into others' conversations while we're trying to focus.
While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation, using the audience's good will helps much in making a speech better.
While the timing and focus of the cuts remain unclear, Google employees already are joking that it's getting easier to find a spot in the company's crowded parking lots.
In the Transition phase, the sole focus should be getting the solution ready to deploy and then actually deploying it.
In the 1980s, the research focus shifted toward market incentives, getting prices right, energy, and macroeconomic adjustment.
Don't focus on getting millions of followers who may or may not care about your issue, but rather on people who are interested in the issues your organization is working on.
When you live in light of eternity, your focus changes from "How much pleasure am I getting out of life?
The focus of this series is on getting the most from the available tools across a range of different UNIX environments, including methods of simplifying administration in a heterogeneous environment.
Performance has been a major focus to this release, getting startup time quicker and optimizing built-in types.
We’d prefer to focus our attention and effort on these bigger problems rather than getting bogged down in semantics.
Not only did I lose a whole Saturday every few weeks, I found that getting work done in a disorganized space was harder. I couldn't focus well, and I didn't feel productive.
In other words, the rich world should focus on getting rid of blatantly foolish and costly policies.
Experts say playing one of the new games specially designed to improve your focus could have the indirect effect of getting your memory in shape.
Writing a birth plan is a great way to focus on details such as whether you'd like to bring music to the delivery room or whether you'd like the option of getting in a whirlpool to reliever pain.
When pressure kicks in, so does a great deal of focus and a degree of tunnel-vision that prevents us from getting distracted by unimportant things.
Then, in the next article, we'll focus on devfs, and after that we'll spend some time getting intimately familiar with the new ext3 filesystem.
Available from the Getting Started widget, the videos focus on each of the main editors in Compass.
As I’ve said before, I try to make it a habit to write first thing in the morning. It helps me to focus and ensure that I’m getting my writing done.
就像我以前说过的,我试图把“早晨第一件事用来写作writefirst thinginthe morning ”当成了一种习惯,它帮我强迫自己确保完成写作任务。
Using the features in the Eclipse IDE allows you to focus your time and energy on implementing code and not getting tied up trying to find classes and methods.
It is worth stating again that this effort should focus on getting the existing code to run in WebSphere Application Server with the smallest number of changes possible.
In America, at least, says Marian Salzman, a leading trendspotter, the focus of conspicuous consumption is increasingly on getting your children into the best schools and universities.
'Our focus has been on getting to market, as opposed to lots of differentiation,' Harlow said in an interview.
I scraped myself off the floor, focused on getting well, and then dove in with complete focus on one goal at a time.
While is it essential to feel inspired and to take massive action, this diffused focus on several major goals resulted in my not getting very far in any one goal.
By getting things done early, they have less to worry about in the morning and can focus on being punctual.
Maybe you want to take a day and focus on organizing your house, or take a year and focus primarily on getting in shape or creating a prosperous mind, but keep your focus single.
With a full week under your belt you're getting a feel for the shift in focus, on both fronts, since the month began and the confidence and optimism this is creating.
With a full week under your belt you're getting a feel for the shift in focus, on both fronts, since the month began and the confidence and optimism this is creating.