He refused to give in to her pleadings.
He refused to give in to bullying and threats.
People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer's which affects the mind and cognitive function.
Chua recounts her decision to raise her two daughters the "Chinese way", and not give in to the inevitable "family decline" that befalls immigrant families.
It is not a sin to be tempted; the sin is to give in to temptation.
When fulfilling your purposes seems tough, don't give in to discouragement.
He will give in to his opponent's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.
And when you get lost — because you probably sometimes will — don't give in to FUD.
And investors must never give in to the herd instinct to sell when everyone else is.
More humane to give in to the demands of hijackers than to risk loss of innocent life.
Under no circumstances shall we give in to pressures or threats imposed by foreign countries.
What would it feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge after weeks of dieting?
Get support. You're more likely to give in to emotional eating if you lack a good support network.
Last year the fear was that Mr Obama would give in to enormous protectionist pressure from Congress.
When you are tempted you have a choice to either give in to the temptation or to reject the temptation.
Or maybe you accidentally find yourself in one of your trigger situations and give in to temptation.
You seem to be deeply inspired by your partner now, and if so, give in to this feeling and revel in it.
I am constantly amazed at the number of people who give in to bullies, thinking they are confident or strong.
For we're now in a situation where it would be very dangerous to give in to conventional notions of prudence.
We pushed back on the undue influence of special interests. We didn't give in to mistrust or to cynicism or to fear.
Don't give in to short-term thinking. Stay focused on the end result: "If we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering."
Declaring that he would actively pursue the goal of peace in the Middle East, Obama said the world should not give in to pessimism.
We all know what happens if you don't give in to your favorite foods: One day you'll have a monster craving and end up overindulging.
If you give in to "just this once," based on a marginal cost analysis, as some of my former classmates have done, you'll regret where you end up.
Rather than give in to British demands to repatriate powers, the 17 euro-zone countries could just sidestep London and sign a treaty outside the EU.
Mr. Obama spoke strongly in favor of religious freedom, saying Americans will not give in to the hatred and prejudice the 9-11 hijackers had sought to spread.
He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
Behavioural analyses show that doctors and other prescribers often give in to pressure from patients and prescribe antibiotics because they are afraid they will lose their patients.
Behavioural analyses show that doctors and other prescribers often give in to pressure from patients and prescribe antibiotics because they are afraid they will lose their patients.