Investors are also wondering whether Apple will give in to pressure to return more of its giant cash mountain to shareholders through such things as share buy-backs.
Behavioural analyses show that doctors and other prescribers often give in to pressure from patients and prescribe antibiotics because they are afraid they will lose their patients.
Accompanying their children in school might give more pressure to their children unconsciously, which is opposite to parents' original intention.
Last year the fear was that Mr Obama would give in to enormous protectionist pressure from Congress.
Households are struggling to pay down debt to get out of the hole they're in, and if they give up and default, that places more pressure on indebted borrowers around them.
But Starr now had what he really wanted: three people he could pressure to give him something damaging on us in order to avoid a jail sentence.
Meanwhile, although a number of factors combined in the first quarter to give retail sales a temporary boost, domestic consumers are coming under pressure.
Overdosage may give rise to the following signs and symptoms: tremor, xcitation, convulsions, changes in blood pressure impairment of consciousness, and coma.
But Arbogast notes that aside from the pressure of letters and statements, any legislation to give the FCC the ability to act as referee in fees disputes will be difficult to pass in his Congress.
Children who spend a lot of quality time with their families are less likely to give in to peer pressure.
Us footballers are used to being put under pressure, especially if we were able to give great performances and score many goals in previous seasons.
When children have an understanding of the process and the feelings involved with peer pressure, they are much less likely to give in to it.
Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, or because they worry that other kids may laugh at them if they don't go along with the group.
When children give in to peer pressure and do something inappropriate, or get into trouble with a bad companion, parents should apply natural consequences or another form of punishment.
Children give in to peer pressure and develop friendships with bad companions for many different reasons.
This will help promote individuality, and will make it less likely for children to give in to peer pressure from any one group.
Parents can also explain that it is normal for children to want to fit in and go along with their peers, and thus give in to peer pressure.
Though of each other wholehearted appearance love, but compel in secular pressure, their each marries to give birth to son, can only have a vacation every year together.
He must give in to constant, strong and unified pressure... There is no longer any need or any reason to cultivate, baby or placate Chiang.
One of the main things that we wanted to do was to go out and make sure we got in their faces and put pressure on them, not give them time on the ball.
I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure. The more precious my love is, the more Icherish the love from others.
Relieve yourself of the pressure created by clutter in your office or home. Develop a filing system, rid yourself of unnecessary papers, and give yourself an organized place to work.
But need something can't be thrifty, can also give a loved him a surprise gift, also can add your love life, so as to reduce the pressure in the heart.
I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure, the more precious my love is, and the more I cherish the love from others.
Younger readers especially may find themselves in conflict with their families and friends, putting them under severe pressure to give up this nonsense and eat sensibly like everybody else.
For years, Murray has been asked about the pressure he faced, like four-time Wimbledon semifinalist Tim Henman before him, to give Britain a champion in a sport it loves.
It could devalue the yuan to give its exporters an edge, after letting it climb 20 percent since 2005 in response to foreign pressure.
It could devalue the yuan to give its exporters an edge, after letting it climb 20 percent since 2005 in response to foreign pressure.