"Have you tried this before?" asked the Abbot, turning the glass over.
When they immediately started in on him, I intentionally knocked my Glass over, too.
Combine all ingredients in a highball glass over ice cubes. Stir. Serve with a straw.
Pour ingredients into an old fashioned glass over ice. Stir. Serve with two swizzel sticks.
He got up abruptly and tried to see himself in the dirty looking - glass over the wash-stand.
Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice cubes. Serve with a straw.
Slughorn pulled himself out of his armchair and carried his empty glass over to his desk as the boys filed out.
Shake all ingredients except club soda and strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Fill with club soda. Stir and Serve.
Shake all ingredients with ice except BOLS Blackberry. Strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Top with BOLS Blackberry.
She lopped a portion of the stem off and filled in the rough edges so it was even enough to lay a round piece of glass over the top.
On top of this-literally-dr Currie and Dr Mapel have come up with another trick: placing a second sandwich of dye and glass over the first.
A crowd gathers, and begins to stare with quiet satisfaction at the gaping hole in the window and the shattered glass over the bread and pies.
A policy of no unprotected glass over or around exposed foods, food-contact surfaces or packaging materials is taught, documented and executed.
Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a rocks glass over crushed ice. Serve with a licorice stick (Twizzler) with the ends cut off to form a straw.
Combine all ingredients except 151% Rum, and sloe gin, in a highball glass over crushed ice. Stir gently. Top with sloe gin for lava color. Then top with 151 and ignite.
Shall we with pains erect a heaven of blue glass over ourselves, though when it is done we shall be sure to gaze still at the true ethereal heaven far above, as if the former were not?
Hold glass over boiling water so that steam fills to bowl of the glass and polish well, holding bowl of glass in the palm of your hand and carefully moving the glass around in a circular motion.
"It will soon be over, father," John said cheerily, and then in rushed Wendy with the medicine in a glass.
He took out a currycomb and worked over them till they shone like glass.
Fruit-trees were trained flat against the wall, and over some of the beds there were glass frames.
She looked at him over the rim of her glass.
He looked at them over the rim of his glass.
Eight monumental curving staircases of granite with over 4000 individually cast bronze balusters are capped by for skylight domes and two stained glass rotundas.
As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table.
If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.
All the cups over there are made of glass except the green one.
Douzhir is actually what's left over for making green bean amylum or glass noodles.
Douzhir is actually what's left over for making green bean amylum or glass noodles.