Any shapes can be applied to this glob by blowing air in.
It probably feels like a little glob of Jello under your skin.
The glob (square brackets) matches any of the enclosed characters.
Particle swarm optimizers are a simple stochastic glob al optimization technique.
I want a big helping of mashed potatoes with a glob of butter smack dab in the middle.
Other switches allow you to limit indexing to only add files whose name matches a pattern (either regex or glob).
The files with numeric names can easily be identified with the glob built-in, which conveniently collates files.
Here, the glob img [1-1000].png is captured in quotation marks to prevent the shell from interpreting the pattern.
在这里,把img [1- 1000]. png放在引号中,以避免shell解释它。
This tiny mite climbed onto a spider's back at least 44 million years ago, but the spider stumbled into a glob of sticky tree SAP.
Clients may subscribe to glob-style patterns in order to receive all the messages sent to channel names matching a given pattern.
The deps dependency task, as defined in Listing 1, includes all of the libraries in my lib directory using the dir class and glob method.
What we enjoyed the most about this pasta salad was the feeling that we were actually eating a SALAD with all those veggies and not just a glob of pasta.
To my surprise, she popped open the detergent lid on my machine, held the bottle aloft and poured in a big glob , all the while muttering something in French.
You must create it, taking from the world the raw materials you need and shaping it with your bare dirty blistered hands, pushing the clay into form from its shapeless muddy glob.
Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.
Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.