Methane has 23times the global warming potential of CO2;
If a gas has a global warming potential of 2, that means its potential is twice that of CO2.
The relative strength of different greenhouse gases is measured by the "Global Warming Potential".
The Global Warming Potential of carbon dioxide is very high due to its long lifetime in the atmosphere.
If a gas has a global warming potential of 1, it has the same potential to contribute to global warming as CO2.
And from 2010 all new fridges will use CO2 systems that are non-ozone-depleting and have a much lower global warming potential.
In so doing these companies have replaced Ozone Depleting Substances and dramatically reduced the Global Warming Potential of automotive air-conditioning systems.
The blowing agent utilized in the inventive composition is preferably selected such that the composition has a zero ozone depletion and low global warming potential.
One option, ironically, is to use carbon dioxide to replace the synthetic HFC refrigerants used in such systems, he says: such gases can have around 4000 times the global warming potential of CO2.
The MAC Directive (EC Directive 2006/40/EC) refers to the phasing out of HFC 134a in new vehicles from 2011 and a replacement gas with a maximum global warming potential (GWP) 150 will be introduced.
MAC指导说明(EC 指导说明2006/40/EC)是指自2011年起出产的新车中HFC134a要禁止使用,另一种气态制冷剂将其取而代之,它的最高全球变暖潜能(英文简称GWP)是150。
The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology.
But perhaps trumping all of these examples is the potential disastrous health effects of global warming.
It is amidst these beautiful wildflower fields that one scientist has already found alarming evidence about the potential impact of global warming.
Already, cities such as New York have adopted a risk-management approach to potential climate impacts-preparing for the prospects posed by already guaranteed global warming.
The RSPB also claims now that installation of the turbines could release significant carbon dioxide from the peat bogs affected, undermining the turbines' potential to combat global warming.
Notably, she praised Mr Gore (now a potential rival for 2008, whatever he says) as a "committed visionary on global warming for more than two decades".
But he readily admits that there are other challenges that might derail this potential solution to help alleviate global warming.
To complicate matters further, nitrous-oxide and methane emissions from farms far outweigh carbon-dioxide emissions in global-warming potential.
Global warming has historically been a controversial topic. Today mainstream scientists and politicians still debate the potential consequences of the phenomenon.
Global warming has historically been a controversial topic. Today mainstream scientists and politicians still debate the potential consequences of the phenomenon.