"The model is Berlusconi," he says glumly.
She gave a slight shake of her head and without a word walked glumly round a rosewood table.
Television pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.
On Monday, September 15th 2008, he sat on his stool and watched Lehman employees filing glumly out of the building.
Tom looked up from his paper-strewn desk and glumly surveyed the view from his new 29th-floor office in downtown Boston.
With the higher duty it glumly estimates that consumption will plummet by 25-35% a year by 2012 rather than return to growth.
I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than spill his guts at the drop of a hat.
Freight-rail people regard this glumly as just part of the cost of doing business, but their spirits will hardly lift if the burden grows.
But most will soon have a friend or relative among the hundreds of thousands who will lose theirs, or will be obliged glumly to accept posts with lower pay.
Conservative MPs who distrust the eu-ie, most of them-seem glumly certain that the referendum lock is a piffling idea, a gimmick that will do little to defend British interests.
He was not cheerfully advocating a housing bubble, but instead he was glumly saying that the only way he could see to get out of the recession would be for such a bubble to occur.
He was not cheerfully advocating a housing bubble, but instead he was glumly saying that the only way he could see to get out of the recession would be for such a bubble to occur.