Go get them! "thundered Ed Schultz, a bombastic liberal radio host, at a recent progressive powwow, to equally thunderous applause."
When you go food shopping, buy all the things for the fridge, and put them away as soon as you get home.
They sit with the product teams, participate in their planning, go to lunch with them, share in ship bonuses and get treated like full members of the team.
Last night I was so mad I almost quit altogether and told them I refuse to go on missions with them but they would really get me in trouble then.
Get used to pushing things out that feel not quite ready and then be completely responsive to fix them as you go.
Sometimes these are known as coffee ICONS — you click them and then go get a cup of coffee while they start up a set of programs that you need to work with.
I think a better option is to go to law enforcement and get help from them.
I had it all figured out. I'd go away off to some big town, get a hundred dogs, and bring them all back with me.
Eighteen percent of travelers don't have a destination in mind, yet there are no major travel websites to inspire them to get up and go.
And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain.
They are opportunities and, by solving them, they act as vehicles to get you where you want to go.
These parents will go over the teacher’s head if they do not get what they want from them, and unwilling to take on these parents, administrators often succumb to their demands.
Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
If they don't, the authorities are obliged to go down [the mountain] and get them.
If you have loved ones you don't see every day, get out of your house and go visit them.
If people are working too hard, management needs to get them to slow down, go home, and get some rest.
People here have a huge amount of relevant knowledge, and we have the opportunity to go and bounce ideas off them and get feedback.
Some people are not very good communicators, but boy, when you get them into their subject matter they know exactly where to go and how far to go.
But you'll get most of them answered before you go through the installation process for each framework.
They get people through their doors who would never normally go to church. They may even convert some of them.
Supermarkets hide dairy products and other essentials on the back wall so that you have to go through the whole store to get to them.
To see the more relaxed side of a person and get to know them better, you need to go out and have some fun!
Once kids get big enough to reach the monkey bars on their own, your job is to stand back and watch them go.
And by making them go away you don't get to the root of your problem.
When risky borrowers find it easy to get credit, they are less likely to go bust, which makes them appear less risky.
Taking good excavation pictures is very important, and sometimes we have to go to great lengths to get them.
Visitors go to Hawaii to get happy and tan, and they carry home with them vast measures of good will, serenity and memories of joy and peace.
Visitors go to Hawaii to get happy and tan, and they carry home with them vast measures of good will, serenity and memories of joy and peace.