This could go some way towards reversing a worrying trend pointed out by Ms Gallagher.
The research, published in the journal Human Reproduction, may go some way to avoiding mix ups at fertility clinics.
If she USES those advantages well, that would go some way towards justifying yet another European at the helm of the IMF.
It is possible to go some way towards the solution of this problem by the use of static and pitot comb pressure measurements.
Their travails, however, go some way towards explaining the puzzling weakness of job creation since the recession ended last year.
We're all still devastated for Fletch, but hopefully we can win it and go some way to making him a bit happier about the situation.
Saunas are thought to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure, both of which could go some way to reducing your risk of getting dementia.
It might also go some way to explaining Dicken's burning sympathy for the poor and socially oppressed, which is one of the hallmarks of his work.
Basing taxes partly on expenditure rather than just income would therefore go some way towards the ideal of progressivity over a person's lifetime.
The National Crime Agency, which launched last October, may go some way to forcing them to pool their expertise and to tackle problems which cross force boundaries.
That, in turn, may go some way towards explaining why demand for oil continues to rise in many countries, despite prices that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.
And the revenue raised might go some way to assuaging the concerns of those who oppose immigration, especially now when clever thinking is needed about ways to improve public finances.
The photograph was taken outside a cafe in the Bohemian Californian city of San Francisco, which may go some way to explaining why he is dressed in a stylish grey and purple sweater.
As you go through the presentation, remember to provide some variety in the way you speak.
Next time you go out jogging, why not carry a rubbish bag and collect some litter along the way?
I want to learn English but I don't know the best way to go about it, so I hope you can give me some suggestions.
I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and say some of the things in a different way!
This is a cut above the usual debate in and about the supreme court and sounds like progress. But there is still some way to go, and a lot of cases to be culled.
That suggests it is heading in the right direction, but that there is still some way to go.
There is still some way to go in the fight against one of the world’s most contagious diseases.
Like any sensible scientist working at the cutting edge, he acknowledged there was some way to go.
Some worry that large bookstores will go the way of the record stores that shut down when the music business went digital.
At the time of this writing, it is still in the Working Draft stage at the W3C, which means it has some way to go yet before it becomes a Recommendation.
They are dismissed as dreamers, but the true dreamers are those who think things can go on indefinitely the way they are, just with some cosmetic changes.
It's very important to know the facts, figures and sources, but even when they have them, some papers will go out of their way to mislead.
He concedes there is some way to go before plastic PV catches up with silicon's superior efficiency and durability, but even that might not be an issue, he says.
He concedes there is some way to go before plastic PV catches up with silicon's superior efficiency and durability, but even that might not be an issue, he says.