Tom divided the cake and Becky ate with good appetite, while Tom nibbled at his moiety.
It helps with the digestion and absorption of food, thus giving everyone a good appetite.
Do not begin eating until the hostess starts or someone says 'guten appetit' (good appetite).
It is agreeable to see our companions eat with a good appetite, and all expressions of loathing are offensive.
"Well," she said, "I hope you've got a mighty good appetite, because the electricity was cut off this morning."
"Well, " she said, "I hope you've got a mighty good appetite, because the electricity was cut off this morning.
But I always had a good appetite, like you all know, an 'DE sight of dem pork pies in DE Windows was awful fur me!
The hidden in the leaves after the elves so good appetite, none miserly to blow the horn, spread to all the happiness in the air.
The police car gone out of sight, Cool-man breathed out a long relieved breath; he took a baked sweet potato for himself and ate it with a good appetite.
Children away from home, there may be acclimatized, is not a good appetite, then it is the reinforcement of snacks, can fatigue, disturbed children in comfort.
If you know some western maritime museums display canned shark fin products in China, there will be such a good appetite and eating shark fin to go with rice that;
The farmer was very hungry, and ate his porridge with a good appetite, but Little Claus could not help thinking of the nice roast meat, fish and pies, which he knew were in the oven.
There's a good reason you won't see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant.
Atzel again ate the fish, meat, fruit, and drank the wine, but his appetite was not as good as it had been.
But good news for a group like LVMH, with just 34% of its revenues earned in Europe thanks to Asian consumers' seemingly endless appetite for its baubles.
However, analysts say the figures are a good proxy of the appetite for equities.
Stress and anxiety is reduced in a good marriage, there is less smoking, and therefore one's appetite increases.
More than most celebrities, he seems like a person who appreciates good food, and before he had heart surgery, he was known for his wide-ranging appetite.
Soy sauce is a liquid seasoning with unique delicious smell. It is good for promoting the appetite.
Breakthrough drugs are hard to plan for, and if you're trying to get your appetite under control today, they do you no good at all.
Breakthrough drugs are hard to plan for, and if you're trying to get your appetite under control today, they do you no good at all.