In Teahouse, the writer Lao She says goodbye to the old Chinese society and hello to the new one.
And what better way to say hello to sunny days than by saying goodbye to the heavy woolen fabrics of winter clothes?
That is the friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in the native Hawaiian language.
"They left in the morning saying 'Itekimas' (we're leaving)," he says. "I didn't say goodbye to them. Now I'll never hear' hello 'from them."
Goodbye links to news sites, hello "Instant Articles" - the same thing, but served from Facebook's servers, in Facebook's app and (often) with Facebook's adverts.
Beware of cultural differences: cultural awareness goes well beyond knowing how to say hello, goodbye, and where's the bathroom in the mother tongue.
Some people always say when they meet somebody they don't know what they can talk with these people. First hello, and the weather, then goodbye.
Humans will hug each other for many reasons-love, celebration, sadness, comfort, romance, and even just to say hello or goodbye! How cute is that?
Here, the selector matches all SPAN elements whose "hello" attribute has exactly the value "Cleveland" and whose "goodbye" attribute has exactly the value "Columbus".
这里,选择符匹配那些SPAN元素,其“hello ”属性设置为“Cleveland ”而“goodbye ”属性设置为“ Columbus ”。
This rule instructs make — if it wishes to build the target all — to first make sure that hello, goodbye, and Fibonacci are up to date.
Humans swill hug each other for many reasons - love, celebration, sadness, comfort, romance, and even just to say hello or goodbye! How cute is that?
人们会因为各种理由而拥抱——爱、庆祝、悲伤、安慰、浪漫或者只是打招呼或者说再见。是不是很可爱? ?
It is at this time, in sports, when we say hello to MLB and we begin the long, arduous process of saying goodbye to the NBA.
At first, the Chinese volunteers were shy and quiet. We said hello and goodbye to each other, but that was the extent of it.
They also like books about counting, the alphabet, shapes and sizes, animals or trucks and books about saying hello and goodbye.
I am being shuffled off shortly to go somewhere else so my participation is just to say hello and shortly to say goodbye.
Answering the phone without saying hello, and hanging it up without saying goodbye. (This one goes for all people in movies.)
I am growing-up. I am going to say goodbye to my funny primary school and say hello to the colorful middle school.
Since the middle of the 19th century, it also has come to be used as an English greeting to say goodbye and hello.
Victoria: Hello Harvey. Goodbye Harvey.
Victoria: Hello Harvey. Goodbye Harvey.