Using maps on websites is becoming increasingly common, and people frequently use free services like Google maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and Yahoo!
在网站上使用地图日益常见,并且人们常常会使用免费的服务,比如GoogleMaps、MicrosoftVirtual Earth和Yahoo !
It also rebranded Keyhole 3-d satellite imagery as Google Earth and offered it up for free.
他们还将Keyhole3 - D卫星图象软件重新包装,成为google Earth并免费提供给用户。
Google Earth Plus used to allow you to create the KML file, but Google Earth Plus is no longer available, and the existing free version (Google Earth) doesn't have the same functionality.
谷歌地球Plus使用,使您可以创建K ML文件,但谷歌地球Plus是不再可用,而现有的免费版本(谷歌地球)不具有相同的功能。
Google Earth Plus used to allow you to create the KML file, but Google Earth Plus is no longer available, and the existing free version (Google Earth) doesn't have the same functionality.
谷歌地球Plus使用,使您可以创建K ML文件,但谷歌地球Plus是不再可用,而现有的免费版本(谷歌地球)不具有相同的功能。