As the sun dipped toward the horizon they pushed out and got under way.
Financial support was confirmed in 2008 and the project then named BOAT 1550BC got under way in June 2011.
2008年获得了财政支持,2011年6月开始了名为“BOAT 1550BC”的项目。
The trumpets blared as the procession got under way .
Coalition talks with the Labour Party and others got under way.
Plans got under way for the fairytale wedding but the couple were then hit with more bad news.
The fact that negotiations have got under way, even if they have recently stalled, marks progress.
India's general election, which is staggered in five stages over four weeks, got under way. See article.
It was hardly an environment conducive to conceptual thought when SALT II got under way in October 1972.
LIKE a lumbering elephant embarking on an epic trek, India's general election got under way this week (see article).
But soon, as things got under way, they had tears rolling down their cheeks as they were forced to confront themselves.
Roads were closed as a major manhunt got under way and tourists were advised to avoid the nearby Red Sea resort of Eilat.
The final round of UN climate talks before this year's summit in Mexico, which begins at the end of November, has got under way in China.
To fund this growth, it hopes to raise nearly $350m by selling a 21.6% stake in an initial public offering (IPO) which got under way this week.
When the California Solar Initiative a scheme for getting solar panels onto roofs got under way in 2007 just 2% of the modules used were Chinese.
When the California solar Initiative, a scheme for getting solar panels onto roofs, got under way in 2007, just 2% of the modules used were Chinese.
As 2010 got under way, many observers were expecting a repeat of the past three quarters, where better-than-expected earnings sparked a meaningful rally.
Tens of thousands of voters, they said, would be receiving cheques from Ms Blanco's office at the very moment that her re-election campaign got under way.
At Frelinghien, a Scottish soldier appeared with a football which seemed to come from nowhere and a few minutes later a real football match got under way.
If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.
Despite initial problems with the technical set-up, once the speeches got under way, several interesting questions were raised to get to know both cultures better.
In response to the accusation that he is rehashing old ideas, Singer points out that the German newspaper debate got under way without him, and he was merely responding.
The quarterly earnings season got under way for big oil companies, in which most are expected to report much reduced profits because of falling oil prices and weaker demand.
As the 12-day general-election campaign got under way (the first to be held in August in 107 years), there was something quaintly old-fashioned in the absence of television hoopla.
Divisions between rich and poor countries emerged swiftly as the Copenhagen conference on climate change got under way, with the leaking of a document drafted by Denmark, the host country.
At the start of the 20th century, under nutrition and childhood infections got in the way.
At the start of the 20th century, under nutrition and childhood infections got in the way.