The regions developing gravity flow facies are favorable for oil pool formation.
The main sedimentary facies in this area include lacustrine facies and gravity flow facies.
The middle formation of s_3 member in Wendong area has features of deposition from gravity flow.
This allows us to off-load the grapes through the roof of the cellar and make use of the gravity flow.
A research on the gravity flow of granular materials in chute was carried out both in experiment and theory.
Good reservoir mainly includes sublacustrine fan-in-fan braided channel sand body and axial gravity flow channel sand body.
The terrigenous elastic gravity flow deposits are more significant due to its great thickness and broad distribution extent.
High head gravity flow and lead pump can be selected for conveying lead liquid, high head gravity flow can largely reduce lead residue.
During petroleum exploration in block Leng43 of Lengjia oilfield, a large number of reservoirs deposited by gravity flow had been found.
It is common knowledge that the carbonate fragmental flow is one of the gravity flow, which contains a number of coarse fragmental materials.
According to the principle of composite graded into seepage Wells pits multilayer filter material, water filtration by gravity flow top-down.
Gravity flow deposits are consisted of thick dark-gray and gray slump deposits, debris-flow deposits and thin-medium bedded turbidite deposits.
The Dongying Formation in Laoyemiao region consists of fan delta, lake delta, neritic subaqueous fan and subaqueous gravity flow and lake depositional systems.
The tail gas outlet nozzle should be tangential to allow gravity flow of the sulfur form the waste heat boiler to the inlet channel of the downstream sulfur condenser.
The utility model has simple structure, and adopts gravity flow type cooling medium, thus having small power consumption, high heat transfer efficiency and cycle use.
本实用新 型结构简单,采用自流式冷却介质,动力消耗小,传热效率高,可循 环使用。
The geophysics identification of hybrid bed and the flexible application of this new concept to the study on lacustrine gravity flow will be the next research direction.
And the bottom adjacent to the lower flow turning slow, centrifugal force is small, the gravity flow from the outer edge of the inner edge, resulting in secondary reflux.
The flow of Poyang Lake is divided into three kinds of flow as following: gravity flow, top-lifted flow, and backward flow, their characters are described in the article.
The western margin of the basin was close to the source regions and very steep, so that pebbly subaquatic alluvial fans were formed that were deposited from a gravity flow.
It is considered that F4 layer is a submarine fan generated by gravity flow in marine environment, with a regressive-transgressive sequence from the lower to the upper parts.
This article, aiming at Mopan Mountain Gravity Flow water Transfer Project water hammer equation, numerical simulates water hammer equation with wavelet finite element method.
The gravity flow on the top moves along the pool surface, reaching the outlet without sedimentation completely and flowed out. Similarly, this will affect the sedimentation tank.
The quantitative reservoir model and differential distribution model of oil-bearing strata have a great significance in the oil and gas exploration of gravity flow channel sediments.
In this paper a soil infiltration and recovery simulation model of bioretention trough was constructed by using evaporation, transpiration and gravity flow as the soil recovery mechanisms.
The grouting material have great fluidity, no shrinkage, early strength, gravity flow, excellent filling performance and so on… Simple construction Operation and easy accession to technology.
This paper introduced the research progress of the allochthonous carbonate blocks and carbonate gravity flow for the line sourced carbonate aprons and the point sourced carbonate submarine fans.
Now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass of ice can move—or flow, it's another word for it—it's really no secret that glaciers flow because of gravity.
The results show that the thermal performance is strongly dependent on the flow patterns and gravity.
The results show that the thermal performance is strongly dependent on the flow patterns and gravity.