Emission of these "greenhouse" gases contributes to global warming.
In order to reduce global warming, emission of greenhouse gases needs to be reduced.
A bill that passed key committee in the house of Representatives in May aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels.
It is now a country with more millionaires, more mega-cities, more Internet users, more skyscrapers and a higher emission of greenhouse gases than any country on earth.
And a new study shows that biochar could have an impact on agriculture's other greenhouse gas emission: nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, which is no laughing matter when it comes to climate change.
Will China at a certain point in the future accept the greenhouse gas emission target jointly set by the international community?
The document will also point out that the emission of methane by cows is responsible for 4 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gases.
The first 14-foot test unit produced enough energy to supply 150 average European homes and saved the emission of over 450 tons of CO 2 greenhouse gas each year.
4% of global greenhouse gas emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation.
Italy is one of the European Union's worst performers on the pollution front and is among the EU countries expected to exceed their greenhouse gas emission targets.
Their bill would limit greenhouse gases by requiring polluters to receive or buy emission permits, with the number of available permits - the "cap" in "cap and trade" - gradually falling over time.
The talks began on Tuesday with poor nations demanding that rich ones agree to a second round of legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments under an updated Kyoto Protocol.
The relevant to the emission file of greenhouse gas, include the production flow chart, energy flow chart, and information flow chart of greenhouse gas which must cover over one year.
The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
With the greenhouse effect and climate change are more and more terrible, reducing the carbon emission attach people's focus.
More and more people attach importance to reducing greenhouse gas emission.
Moreover, some people bring forward G2 Theory, supposing that the complicated and tardo grand plan on global greenhouse gases emission can be managed by China and America merely.
Agriculture is one of the important greenhouse gas emission sources.
Transforming greenhouse gas emission reductions generated by eligible projects into tradable "carbon assets".
Greenhouse gas (GHG) fugitive emission from oil and gas system is an important component of GHG emission inventory.
It is pointed out that any strategy to be employed for reducing methane emission from rice paddies should not cause reduction of rice yield and increase of other greenhouse gas emissions.
The conclusion "the emission of greenhouse gas is the most important factor that affect the global climate change" may seem to be a definite one.
Denmark has agreed to buy the CO2 reductions achieved by the installation for the next ten years in order to meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
The report allows for variables based on future greenhouse gas emission scenarios, but concludes that extreme weather is likely to increase.
The report allows for variables based on future greenhouse gas emission scenarios, but concludes that extreme weather is likely to increase.