The Greenwich meridian was adopted in 1884 by the International meridian Conference as the line with zero degrees of longitude.
GMT is a universal time zone, based on the Greenwich meridian corrected by the longitude of the location in which the time is set.
The rare lunar eclipse has fallen on the winter solstice at the Greenwich meridian of December 21, 2010, making the day the "darkest" ever in 372 years.
Bearded and looking tired, a clearly emotional Lewis crossed the Greenwich Meridian line at the Royal Observatory by carrying his boat with the help of supporters and cheering well-wishers.
Greenwich thus became established as the location of the prime meridian of longitude, and the base line for calculating time zones around the world.
Greenwich is known because Greenwich time, the time for the meridian of Greenwich, was, until 1968, standard time in Britain.
To the astonishment of staff at Meridian primary school in Greenwich, south-east London, Captain Jack arrived in the form of Johnny Depp, the actor who plays him.
Jason Lewis pedaled his wooden boat up the River Thames in London Saturday, before pushing it across the Meridian Line at Greenwich, where his journey began in 1994.
Jason Lewis pedaled his wooden boat up the River Thames in London Saturday, before pushing it across the Meridian Line at Greenwich, where his journey began in 1994.