We also grieve for the loss of civilian life in Iraq.
We grieve for the mother who hears the sound of her child's 21-gun salute.
Famine will return, and death, and citizens will grieve for their townships.
No longer will I grieve for those who have chosen the path of lesser righteousness.
This may be true, but you also need space to grieve for the losses that a cancer diagnosis can bring.
The Red One will grieve for what has happened, but after an immense effort it will regain its strength.
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
Pierre said he wanted to grieve for his children privately, rather than at the open service that was planned.
If you are grieving after a death, be it a person or a pet, do not let anyone tell you how long to grieve for.
Today we grieve for the families who have lost loved ones, the hearts that have been broken, and the young lives that could have been.
I also feel heavy grieve for the people who had been taken away their lives by the earthquake disaster, so I must offer my silent condolence to them.
He was evidently oppressed, and Fanny must grieve for him, though hoping she might never see him again till he were the husband of some other woman.
If that's your situation, it's better to acknowledge it and grieve for the loss rather than letting it erode your dedication to your mate. Otherwise, you could lose all you have built together.
I also hope what people believe in, thinking there are mysterious connections between our hearts, is real; then my soul shall always be with you after I die, and you may not grieve for being lonely.
Now I grieve, for I shall lose ye--they will not keep ye long for such a little thing.
While these memoirs are often moving, they are also highly subjective snapshots that don't teach us much about how we typically grieve, nor more important, for how long.
While these memoirs are often moving, they are also highly subjective snapshots that don’t teach us much about how we typically grieve, nor more important, for how long.
Not to grieve a kind master, I learned to be less touchy; and, for the space of half a year, the gunpowder lay as harmless as sand, because no fire came near to explode it.
Because many of us feel responsible for the loss, we often don't feel we deserve to grieve.
For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.
No one can tell you how to grieve, and no one will do your grieving for you.
If you had any thought for your parents you would not grieve them in this way.
Do small, practical, caring things for yourself: Listen to a song that helps you grieve, schedule a play date with your best friend, wrap a soft blanket around yourself and let the tears come.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.