The morphology of as-grown crystal surface was investigated by optical microscopy.
The X-ray rocking curve measurement indicates the good quality of as grown crystal.
Meanwhile, the transmission spectra and damage threshold of KDP crystal were measured. The results showed as-grown crystal has good optical properties.
Each blade is grown from a single crystal of alloy for strength and then coated with tough ceramics.
The thickness dependent grown time and quality of the PBG of colloidal crystal were studied in this work.
This paper presents systematic theoretical calculations and the experimental investigations of the doubling frequency character of the crystal KN grown in China.
Moreover, by adjusting the technological parameters, polycrystalline diamond films grown preferentially along the different crystal orientations can be prepared.
The results show that a thermal annealing at the proper temperature of experiments can significantly improve the optical homogeneity of the crystals, especially for the crystal grown at a rapid speed.
Indeed, the silicon wafer itself is cut from a large rod of silicon, which is grown from a single crystal, and so is itself a single crystal.
It was found that the AlN crystals which were grown on different regions in the crucible exhibit different crystal habits.
Five crystal structures are determined by CCD diffractometer after the single crystals were grown by slow evaporation at room temperature.
用溶剂自然挥发法培养了五个单晶,并采用CCD 单晶衍射仪测定了它们的晶体结构。
Bulk crystal of 4 Aminobenzophenone (ABP) was grown from organic solution.
Firstly, a solvus of L-lysine was ploted and the conditions by which a crystal was grown out of a water solution and an ethanol solvent were investigated.
Vapour epitaxial grown single-crystal diamond film on diamond surface was obtained by microwave reinforced chemical vapour deposition method, using hydrogen, aceton vapour as source of gas.
The potassium lithium niobate (KLN) crystal has been grown by Czochralski method;
The solubility curve for cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate (CNT) has been ditermined. the CNT crystal can be grown by slow cooling solution technique.
The radius of grown zinc silicate crystal is directly proportional to soaking time;
The deep levels in electron irradiated CZ silicon single crystal grown in pure nitrogen protective atmosphere has been studied.
In the paper, the shape stability of single crystal fibers grown by laser heating float zone growth method is studied with zone melt growth theory.
The experiment for study on the mechanism of crystal growth by in situ observation of CdI_2 crystal grown from the aqueous solution is reported in this paper.
In addition, KDP crystal has a simple pattern, and it can be grown from solution easily. It is an ideal model for investigating crystal growth.
Hydrothermal quartz are crystal grown under hydrothermal method. Their characteristics are of same of geniune crystal. Colors available are clear, amethyst, citrine, blue and green.
人造水晶颜色: 白色,紫色, 黄色,蓝色,绿色, 茶色。 物理性质同天然水晶。 (又名再生水晶) 用水热法结晶生产的宝石。
The measurements of XRD, SEM and XPS show that the as - grown BNN film is epitaxial single crystal with smooth surface.
During designing stable temperature field and selecting rational technology parameter and annealing process, perfect crystal was grown.
The void formation and its micrograph of distribution, density as well as void size in sapphire single crystal grown by EFG were investigated.
The persimmons grown in Lintong District look as red as fire and as clear as crystal, hence the name Fire-crystal persimmons.
The YVO4 crystal fibers were grown by laser heated Pedestal growth (LHPG) method utilizing two CO2 sources.
Rock sugar (Rock Candy) is white or brown big crystal sugar. It also grown as a result of cooling supersaturated a sugar solution which is traditional in South China.
A scintillator crystal and a method for growing a scintillator crystal are provided which includes an as-grown Edge-defined Film-fed Growth (EFG) single crystal.
Gallium nitride single crystal is grown in atmosphere composed of gases mixture 'B' containing nitrogen gas at a pressure of 300 atms or higher and 2000 atms or lower.