Carlos andres perez, born the very year the gusher erupted, knew all about both sides of oil.
BP, based in London, stopped the flow from the Macondo gusher July 15 for the first time since the spill began.
A century ago "wildcatters" put everything they had on the line to drill oil Wells, hoping to discover a gusher.
Moreover, that liquidity will be constantly refreshed by a gusher of earnings from our many and diverse businesses.
Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles.
They succeeded, thanks to an unprecedented fiscal and monetary gusher and a raft of measures to prop up teetering financial giants.
And, at this particular moment, we are confronted by the picture of an uncontrolled gusher of oil spewing destruction into the gulf.
As BP tries to stop the oil leak with a 'top kill' method, the Louisiana coastline is suffering from the effects of the continued gusher.
From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the grey blue waters.
Objective To explore a procedure useful to predict preoperatively the complication of stapedial gusher potentially occurring during the operation on or involving in the inner ear.
If the results are encouraging, they may soon be able to cap the gusher that has been spewing as much as 60,000 barrels a day into the Gulf and has defied BP's many efforts to contain it.
If the results are encouraging, they may soon be able to cap the gusher that has been spewing as much as 60,000 barrels a day into the Gulf and has defied BP's many efforts to contain it.