This was one where I didn't understand a word, yet the rhythm and that guttural.
Sometimes she spoke Greek, or guttural Latin, or the lost tongues of mountain hordes.
The guttural centre or subtle Sphere of Speech (VISHUDDHA-CAKRA) at the base of the throat.
He opened a book and began an invocation, which was certainly not English, and had a deep guttural sound.
Since mediaeval times, velar and guttural and its opening closing mouth have had many transformations.
The deep guttural sounds of the speaker were scarcely intelligible to the newly - waked, bewildered listener.
There was now no light except from the herbs on the brass dish, and no sound except from the deep guttural murmur of the invocation.
Death metal vocals are often guttural roars, grunts, snarls, and low gurgles colloquially called death grunts or death growls.
"In the hard rock genre, you're starting to see extreme metal bands with guttural singing with a lead female singer, " she said.
STRAVINSKY EFFECT: the child is prone to savage, guttural and profane outbursts that often lead to fighting and pandemonium in the preschool.
My only saving grace was so that no one heard the guttural sounds of fear groaning out of my mouth, because I was shaking so far from the microphone.
When sound Designer Ben Burtt delivered a suitably bizarre mix of guttural speech and clicking insect sounds, the lip-sync was redone to properly match.
Captain Cook has compared it to a man clearing his throat, but certainly no European ever cleared his throat with so many hoarse, guttural, and clicking sounds.
It was a rough and unmelodious tongue, a string of rattling, guttural noises, and there seemed to be two speakers, one with a slightly lower, slower voice than the other.
Liverpool's "Scouse" dialect has long fascinated linguists, with its throaty, guttural utterances that emerged from a mixture of Irish, Scots, Welsh and Lancashire accents in the late 19th century.
Liverpool's "Scouse" dialect has long fascinated linguists, with its throaty, guttural utterances that emerged from a mixture of Irish, Scots, Welsh and Lancashire accents in the late 19th century.