"I had a nervous breakdown in my senior year," says McConnell, 21, of Salt Lake City.
The rabbit started at the top of the class in running, but had a nervous breakdown because of so much makeup work in swimming.
In real life the drowning woman was his wife Francine, who tried to live with his numerous affairs but eventually had a nervous breakdown.
Lincoln was born to impoverished, all his life in the face of defeat, eight lost eight elections, twice failed in business, even Had a nervous breakdown.
He had a catastrophic nervous breakdown in his mid-20s, poor man, and is now in sheltered accommodation in Arizona.
The stress became so intense that Ms. Foster had what she called a nervous breakdown: falling on the floor, screaming, crying.
On my last visit to Tunis, in 2003, people had seemed to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and in some way - cruel though it may be to say this - complicit in their own predicament.
On my last visit to Tunis, in 2003, people had seemed to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and in some way - cruel though it may be to say this - complicit in their own predicament.