No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.
No sooner had he reached the grapevine than--crack!
No sooner had he seen Heidi, than he smiled, opening his round eyes as wide as possible.
No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.
No sooner had it touched his tongue than he heard a strange whispering of little voices outside his window.
No sooner had I walked into the room than I found that I had left my wallet in the shop.
I wish I'd started sooner. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have been in debt for twenty years!
If that shell had hit us half a second sooner, it might have hit the pilot.
Her brother, eight years Katherine’s senior and only fifteen when their father died, had begun his journey toward becoming the Solomon patriarch much sooner than anyone had ever dreamed.
Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, "I only wish I had met you sooner." MMT.
He says he wishes HP had alerted him to this pending model change sooner.
Besides the jar of contrast there came to her a chill self-reproach that she had not returned sooner, to help her mother in these domesticities, instead of indulging herself out-of-doors.
A year after the stock market hit bottom, plenty of people are out of work and spending their retirement savings much sooner than they had planned.
And you meant to get to it sooner, but you had a lot of other things to do.
It meant that I had to figure out a lot sooner who I was, and who my father is.
Had I been a few hours sooner, Mrs Linton's illness might have arrested her rash step.
No sooner had the hour of three struck and whizzed, than she left her room and ran to the dairyman's door; then up the ladder to Angel's, calling him in a loud whisper; then woke her fellow-milkmaids.
No sooner had he finally reached the flower did it withered away. He gripped the peduncle tightly with great despair and shook the petals down leaf by leaf.
Had all this been done sooner, the crisis might have been contained more easily, and at lower cost.
NO SOONER had philanthropy become fashionable than the credit crunch shrivelled fortunes and the donations they sustain.
MIGHT the biggest and most controversial bail-out of the financial crisis be repaid sooner than anyone had expected?
But no sooner had he made that point then Dennis leapt up and shouted that, no, he had thought the gun was working properly.
No sooner had I swung the barrel of the gun into line with the intruder than the room got very, very cold. So cold, in fact, that I could see my breath in the moonlight streaming through the curtains.
We probably would've had a faster growing enterprise if I had done that sooner.
Another letter to Crick, written soon after, reveals Wilkins's exasperation that Franklin had not discovered the double helix sooner.
I just finished reading this book, and, boy, do I wish I had read it sooner.
German firms that had mothballed factories when global demand for durable goods plummeted have returned to capacity far sooner than they had dared hope.
No sooner had news of the deal appeared on the Huffington Post than its users were worrying out loud that the site's distinctiveness would be blunted by its new corporate parent.
No sooner had news of the deal appeared on the Huffington Post than its users were worrying out loud that the site's distinctiveness would be blunted by its new corporate parent.