We'll need two full-price tickets and one half-price child ticket.
This film half-price, if you agree only to show it to people whosenames start with D!
The couples can enjoy half-price rent, free water and electricity as well as the many blessings of friendship.
Happy hour is actually worthwhile — half-price drinks starting just before sunset and extending for at least two hours.
A hockey fanatic from Chicago's far North Side wouldn't receive a deal for half-price yoga lessons in the city's South Side Hyde Park neighborhood.
But they should always sell for substantially less than top-grade fruits, like half-price; if you pay full price for culls you are being rooked.
On National tourism Day, tourists will get half-price tickets for all scenic spots in north China's Shanxi Province, according to the provincial tourism bureau.
For the theater and other cultural offerings, London and New York are well-known for their half-price ticket booths, but you can find virtual ways to snag cheap tickets.
It is reported that city staff on a regular basis for washing ore votes, all city staff and workers in mining, washing clothes can enjoy half-price, free dry cleaning concession.
Analysts predict that Digital will price the new line at less than half the cost of comparable IBM mainframes.
"These were half price, I've never worn them." she says.
The bread is half price after 9 pm in the supermarket.
Buy any full price movie ticket on weekdays, you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price, or a second ticket for free on your birthday!
Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller but improved version that will sell for less than half that price.
For that, a half century of willful forgetting about painful memories like the German Titanic was perhaps a reasonable price to pay.
Just half a dozen holiday-makers have reached orbit since then, for similarly astronomical price tags.
Copied books are as good as copyrighted ones, but they don't cost much, usually less than half the price.
We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of what it used to charge.
At Riyadh's main mobile phone market, dozens of young men on the street were trying to sell the devices at half price.
A: We are not going to carry these damaged goods back. Would you accept to buy these goods at half price?
By the way, on special days and hours it is possible to buy chocolate here at half price!
If you do like the premium brands, wait for that 3-week sales cycle to kick in and stock up when your favorite flavor is half price.
Eat out at half price. While on deductible business trips, your meals and those of your business associates are deductible at 50 cents on the dollar.
I'm calling to see if you want any IP CARDS for half price.
Tour operator is offering tour at half price or half - price tour to people make last - minute bookings.
Salesgirl: We're having a sale. Beginning on Saturday, these gloves will be half price.
Salesgirl: We're having a sale. Beginning on Saturday, these gloves will be half price.