These skills used to be handed down from father to son.
These customs have been handed down through the ages.
Verdicts, he reckons, could be handed down in 2012.
Both sides appealed and a provincial court handed down its verdict this March.
Which suggests that some algae may be handed down directly from parent to child.
It is one of the major reasons that poverty is handed down through the generations.
The rock paintings in the caverns are handed down from the prosperous Tang Dynasty.
These are the new rules that were handed down moments ago by the U.S. Copyright Office.
The next day Britain's High Court handed down a ruling that shed less flattering light on it.
In theory, blasphemy is punishable by death-a penalty that has been handed down but never carried out.
The superego represents the rights and wrongs of the society as handed down to an individual over their lifetime.
We often hear those wise old sayings handed down from generation to generation, but some of them are just plain stupid.
It is a form of institutionalised exploitation that, like bullying in public schools, is handed down between generations.
The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Peking operas, is based on a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky's appeal against his embezzlement conviction, handed down last December, is also expected some time during the week.
米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)对去年9月宣判的侵吞公款定罪提请上诉,预计在下周要花上几天。
The long-awaited ruling in Bilski v. Kappos was finally handed down on Monday, giving you all some 66 meaty pages to sink your teeth into.
经过了长久等待,Bilski v.Kappos案的判决终于在周一作出。 法院给了你们所有人厚厚的66页判决书来啃。
And when went on trial yesterday for the hack itself, prosecutors asked for a six-year prison sentence, which the court handed down in full.
Despite the extraordinary violence, in August the perpetrators were handed down only token prison sentences, ranging from three to five months.
尽管犯下了令人震惊的暴行,这群行凶者在8月份只被判了3- 5个月不等的监禁。
While most of their furniture is thrifted or handed down from family, they both share a love for simple, functional pieces with a Craftsman quality.
尽管大多数家具来自慈善旧货商店和家人,他们两人多都喜欢简单功能性强质量好的家具(craftman quality)。
Following a trial on August 25th, on Monday this week the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of parana in southern Brazil handed down an unprecedented ruling.
Following a trial on August 25th, on Monday this week the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of parana in southern Brazil handed down an unprecedented ruling.