Have I reviewed the learning the Master handed down to me?
Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother.
Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my elder brother.
In old times, property was usually handed down to the oldest son at his father 's death.
The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone.
Rhapsody On Wucheng is a highly praised famous piece among Bao Zhao's works handed down to posterity.
The traditional technique of making Butea gum cosmetics and pigments has been handed down to this day.
And they say harsh penalties are often handed down to intimidate detainees and are not necessarily enacted.
The superego represents the rights and wrongs of the society as handed down to an individual over their lifetime.
How can you be responsible, when you, your action is the result of a formula that has been handed down to you?
Actually it will have been handed down to us, mostly, by our predecessors; we may just changed a hypothesis, or added one.
Their way of life could be traced to the ancient traditions handed down to them by their ancestors more than one thousand years ago.
Although the technology today, we are still on the books are handed down to civilization, the book is a history of settling down in the crystal.
What I hand down to you is in accordance with the apostolic faith handed down to us by the fathers and I have invented nothing extraneous to it.
Their concerns were heightened after a relative light sentence was handed down to Trevor Middleton, the man convicted of racially motivated assaults.
This paper discusses editions of Song Dynasties handed down to Japan in medieval Age with historical accounts, and Outlines its path eastward to Japan.
A MONTH ago a court in Iran sentenced Hossein Derakhshan, an Iranian-Canadian, to almost 20 years in jail, the longest sentence ever handed down to a blogger.
On the other hand, Kermit Washington was suspended for 60 days which forced him to miss 26 games and was the longest suspension handed down to an NBA player at the time.
Born in an age and country abounding in individual greatness, this man has been handed down to us by those who best knew both him and the age, as the most virtuous man in it;
Very few of Su's paintings have been handed down to this very day. This scroll can be thought as his authentic work as it was mentioned in both Mi Fu and Liu Liangzuo's poems.
Combining personal reflections, rich historical insights, and proverbs handed down to her by her grandfather, Yen Mah shares the wealth of Chinese civilization with Western readers.
It is thought the paper had been bought by 69-year-old Mrs Jenkins's grandparents in London, then handed down to her late mother Amelia Fry, before reaching a third generation of the family.
The idea has been handed down to us that this procedure not only served for the removal of dirt but also to deliver people symbolically from physical and moral evils, such as illness and sin.
Some years later he carried his son to the cave and taught him the secret, which he handed down to his posterity, who, using their good fortune with moderation, lived in great honour and splendour.
The core is the controlling group of 33 becoming clearer about their true place and their true responsibility – not just what they have been handed down to them in their tradition and culture.
These skills used to be handed down from father to son.
She thought that he would write down bad words in it, but with a smile she handed it to him.
She thought that he would write down bad words in it, but with a smile she handed it to him.