It is a hard labor to purge the barley from the bran.
While in prison, he performed hard labor at a lime quarry.
Only the sweat of hard labor in exchange for the results, is far the most happy.
Mr. Gomes was sentenced in April 2010 to eight years of hard labor and was fined $700,000.
Mr. Gomes was sentenced in April 2010 to eight years of hard labor and was fined $700, 000.
If you plan to take on this do-it-yourself task, you must be willing to do some hard labor.
As required gone fishing , the glass of refreshing beverages , not made some hard labor may not.
All the hijackers had their time reduced, though they still spent years at hard labor camps in the Urals.
所有的劫机者们都被减了刑,虽然他们仍然要在乌拉尔地区( Urals)艰苦的劳刑营里捱过数年时光。
Alive, forced to do hard labor. 1973 Canadian officers and men of the 555 never came back alive afflicted.
I came into this world with a bashed head and deformed features because of the hard labor my mother had gone through.
Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard.
The most obvious way to a avoid the indignities, injustices, pains, and sorrows of all this hard labor is to get out of it.
If you work long hours, toil in hard labor or even raise kids full time, you need more than the usual massage to get deep into the tissues.
Well, we all get Labour day off as a holiday, the real purpose of the holiday is to remember all the people who do manual or other hard labor.
On this day, people always want to find ways to make his mother happy to spend the holidays, thanks and compensation for their year of hard labor .
From arrest by the Soviet secret police through interrogation, to deportation and hard labor, the life-and-death cycle of the gulag is a familiar story.
And when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness .
Over the next 140 days, we were moved to Pyongyang, isolated from one another, repeatedly interrogated and eventually put on trial and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor.
The prototypes were then exposed to the director's critical eye, and the final result of the hard labor was a design template covering every conceivable water simulation in the movie.
The serfs engaged in hard labor year in and year out and yet had no guaranteed food or clothing. Often they had to rely on money borrowed at usury to keep body and soul together.
农奴成年累月地辛勤劳动,却连温饱也得不到 保障,经常要靠借高利贷勉强糊口。
The ailing Yettaw, who had been sentenced to seven years in prison and hard labor, was officially deported Sunday and flew with Webb to Bangkok, where is he is undergoing a medical check-up.
Because the parents are engaged in hard labor work, the 7-year-old girl has to give up her education dream, take heavy burden of housework and look after her over 1-year-old brother at home.
If you can get a promising job after graduation is still up in the air, but one thing is for sure: Your parents is getting older and older day by day because of the hard labor to support you.
Most people still remember the days when they needed permission to get married, when the state sent droves of people to the countryside for years of hard labor and when eating meat was a rare treat.
Most people still remember the days when they needed permission to get married, when the state sent droves of people to the countryside for years of hard labor and when eating meat was a rare treat.