In the hardware design process, it achieves CH375 with DSP, CPLD hardware interface design.
The design gives the signal conditioning circuit, accomplishes the hardware interface design of DSP chip TMS320VC5410 and chip -to-speech TLC320AD50C, and processes audio signal by FIR arithmetic.
Bad interface design, hardware limitations, and cross-system interaction can also degrade performance of the whole system.
Obviously, the iPad gets many things right — hardware design, user interface, app ecosystem.
We design our hardware and software to make our phones simple to use, with an interface that emphasizes email, social networking, and other parts of people's personal lives.
The company from 1 day notice to user interface design, software and hardware engineers to motivate yourself to work every day.
The paper also design some specific hardware interface circuit to explain its word principle. And also explained program chart of dyeing machine blow head in the application.
Deep research into DSP technology and computer bus technology, design the hardware and circuit interface of PC and DSP.
This paper elaborated how to selecting hardware standards, software design process, and software function modules, and gave the relevant test procedures and software interface.
The paper introduced the operating principle of the temperature measurement system based on USB interface, and described the hardware structures and software design of this system in detail.
This paper introduces a method of hardware constitution and software design of embedded system containing Ethernet interface and adopting DSP as its core processor.
In the paper, an analytic method is described in which a microcomputer is used to analyze dynamic spectrum of display device, and a hardware design of microcomputer interface is discussed specially.
The design of the network interface card completed in our research is presented in detail on hardware and the software supporting lower levels of the protocol.
The hardware configuration of the system is simple, the software design flexible and the GUI (graphical user interface) friendly.
The design of CAN bus hardware interface circuit based on SJA1000, the selection of chips, the design of software and the realization of CAN communication are expatiated.
The hardware and software design methods of the counter interface circuit were put forward. And the circuit debugging has been carried on.
Then introduces the system design principle and the Ethernet interface module's hardware realization method in details.
In the section of hardware design, selection of the CAN bus communication interface card, design of CAN nodes and the signal acquisition system are introduced.
At last the mainly introduction is the using of LCD in combination with 80c196kc in single chip control system, including hardware interface and software design.
最后,主要介绍了液晶显示器在单片机控制系统中与80c 196kc的结合使用,其中包括硬件接口以及软件设计。
This paper introduces PC control approach of joint motion of manipulator. This approach includes driving of stepping motor, interface design of hardware circuit and software programming.
The design of the hardware interface circuitry and source codes of main programs are also presented.
The paper introduces the data acquisition card of TCR, it gives hardware interface circuit of the data acquisition card, the design and implementation of software is also introduced in this paper.
At last the main introduction is the using of LCD in combination with 80c196kc in single chip computer control system, including hardware interface and software design.
最后,主要介绍了液晶显示器在单片机控制系统中与80c 196kc的结合使用,其中包括硬件接口以及软件设计。
In hardware design part, explains especially the interface of S3C2410 CPU chip with memory and network controller chip.
硬件部分重点论述了S3C 2410处理器与存储器和网络控制器芯片的接口设计问题。
The principle of the method, and the software and hardware system design methods of the haptic display interface device are introduced.
The system's structure, hardware composition and interface design are introduced mainly in this paper.
System design, hardware composition, dual CPU parallel interface designing method and system characteristics are discussed in this article.
The design of hardware interface circuits, setting of control parameters, some critical control code, and the flowchart of AD sampling program etc. are described in this paper.
The main work includes the design of the node, the design of the hardware interface and software programming.
The main work includes the design of the node, the design of the hardware interface and software programming.