China has a huge market open to all; and Japan has the most advanced technology and plenty of capital.
As the leading software enterprise in Xishan, LongKey has the most advanced technology and strongest support from all sides.
Q: Your national TB laboratory is now regarded as one of the most advanced in Africa – including the use of a new technology that within 48 hours can detect whether a person has MDR-TB.
This has made it almost impossible for US companies to export advanced capital and technology-intensive goods that the US is most competitive at, and where China's demand is greatest.
Japan has spent billions of dollars developing the most advanced technology against earthquakes and tsunamis.
Recently Amertech has again introduced the most advanced FibreMat technology into China for the first time.
Zhuzhou, a fashionable and glamorous city, has marked the glowing of the most advanced technology of human civilization.
As advanced design technology of product, parameterized design has been widely applied to manufacturing field and has become the most effective tool of product development in enterprise.
As one of the most advanced manufacturing facilities, BBAC has set new standards - lean manufacturing, advanced quality processes, environmentally friendly technology and strong commitment to people.
Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology.
Not only has the most advanced management experience the culture of people, but also has a strong professional quality, production technology, professional management team and hard production team.
Currently, the center has the most advanced equipments and professional technical personnel, center, rich experience and strong technology.
The technology of producing APT in Ganzhou is the most advanced in the world. Its technology of scheelite recovery and the mixed flotation dressing has been popularized.
The microwave high-temperature heating technology has been considered to be one of the most advanced technologies that may replace the conventional heating processing materials in this century.
Switzerland has the most advanced precision machining technology, and what we have in China is competitive production cost and machining ability.
Embryo transfer has been applied most extensively in the cow; consequently the technology has advanced most rapidly in this species.
Our company has the most abundant industry development ability, the most advanced equipment and the most professional technology advantage.
The engine is designed to use the most advanced technology arm engine, it provides the framework to enable game development, testing, transplantation has been simplified.
As one of the most advanced manufacturers, BBAC has set new standards - lean manufacturing, advanced quality processes, environmentally friendly technology and strong commitment to people.
The GOLDEN ROAD owns a number of processing plants and has the most advanced equipment and technology, therefore, we have a very strong productivity to make the products more perfect.
The company has more than 10 years of professional experience in the care of infants, the most comprehensive technology, can be the most advanced technology research and development.
Kai Teng company has the most advanced automatic Honeycomb Paper Core, cardboard production line and the latest production technology.
Kai Teng company has the most advanced automatic Honeycomb Paper Core, cardboard production line and the latest production technology.