We do shyt we hate doing because we need to finance a lifestyle that is built around filling the emptiness associated with spending most of our waking hours doing something we hate doing.
我们在做我们不喜欢的工作,因为我们需要钱来支撑我们的生活方式。 而实际上,这种生活方式又充满了空虚——醒着的大部分时间,我们都在做我们痛恨的事情来。
If you're doing something you hate, it's a clear signal from your body, mind and soul telling you to stop torturing yourself.
We spend most of our lives working: what a shame it would be if you're spending that time doing something you hate.
More and more people are realizing that they don't want to spend a big chunk of their lives doing something they hate.
Being single is better than being unhappy and working 80 hours a week. Doing something you love is better than working eight hours a week doing something you hate.
Doing something you love is better than working eight hours a week doing something you hate.
Following the money with complete disregard for your interests is a surefire path toward a soul-sucking career doing something you hate.
Following the money with complete disregard for your interests is a surefire path toward a soul-sucking career doing something you hate.