A numerical dam hazard potential index may be developed for purpose of comparison.
While emphasis will continue to be placed on new plants there should also be an understanding of the hazard potential of existing plants.
Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard.
They feel that deterministic seismic hazard analysis offers a more realistic analysis of the potential threats posed by quakes.
You can identify potential dangers in your home by conducting an earthquake hazard hunt.
Snower (2008) recently criticised this case-by-case approach, expressing concerns about the moral hazard, and excessive taxpayer sacrifice it entailed, and also about potential exit strategy problems.
Two weeks after opening, there are still holes in the asphalt outside the mall, a potential hazard for shoppers.
A hazard is defined as an event, which has the potential to have a negative impact on the considered objective i. e.
As the result of evaporation loss, oil will be less in quantity and lower in quality, and the dispersing oil vapor will result in air pollution and potential fire hazard.
WHO said yesterday that they have taken measures to control the degree of potential human cancerogenic hazard of the rich acrylamide contained in the Fried food.
Adequate ventilation will help reduce the possible formation of flammable mixtures in the event of a hydrogen leak and will also eliminate the potential hazard of asphyxiation.
According to equipment's hazard, practicable emergency plans are put forward to deal with various potential accident states.
The paper describes the toxic effects of lindane to microbes and aquatic organisms, as well as the poisoning signs and the potential hazard.
It is assumed that the seismic hazard distribution is uniform within the range of each potential source.
Party B shall ensure that all services provided are free of any potential safety hazard and can meet the needs of the activity.
To coordinate the potential the conflict of interest between managers and owners and decrease and prevent moral hazard of managers, it becomes the best choice to motivate managers efficiently.
In addition, blood tests, after all, if infected, his blood to deal with Good, others are also a potential hazard.
The element(s) of an activity that has a potential to harm is considered its hazard(s).
However, lurking in the background is a darker side to nanotube technology. It relates to a potential health hazard that could effect thousands of people in the electronics industry.
Based on the characteristics, fire hazard and fire accident cases of the oil deposit, the article analyzed its potential fire hazard and gave the corresponding countermeasures.
Operation safety responsibility inside test bench, ensure complying with JHSH safety code, report potential safety risk and hazard.
Moral hazard: in insurance, the chance that the insured will be more careless and take greater risks because he or she is protected, thus increasing the potential of claims on the provider.
Moral hazard: in insurance, the chance that the insured will be more careless and take greater risks because he or she is protected, thus increasing the potential of claims on the provider.