Once see the other man have dealings, or go close with the girl that he loves, in this case, the feeling that he can not tell of anger or despair as fountain and general blend poured out.
I'm not saying you aren't going to slip up, and tell your son that under no circumstances can he appear in the dining car in an item of clothing scandalously known as a wife-beater.
And certainly not for a juke box - but the technology, he says, is very much alive in other industries, and, from what I can tell, he's right.
Most people are pretty perceptive, and they can tell when someone (meaning you) is interested-really interested-in what they have to say and when he or she is not.
Having already spoken with the banker on numerous occasions, I can tell you that he is not in the least sympathetic to our situation.
He does not care if the language is functional or not, as long as you can tell the compiler where it's OK to use parallelism.
His music sales in the USA had peaked in the 1980s, and he had not toured since 1997, but the listener can tell he's ambitious for a comeback.
Naturally I felt pleased by what he had to say about Anthony Akinola and I did not hesitate to say, “you can never tell with these writers.”
听到他刚刚那番关于AnthonyAkinola 的话,我当然很高兴,而且我脱口对他说道:“你可不能这么跟这些作者说。”
You can not look at a child and tell if he or she has a learning disability.
Why, he asked me, can we not just tell a computer what we want it to do?
So today saw (can not tell you the name) originally wanted to call him, but feel embarrassed, after all, he is the male students, to see his face, I feel strange strange ah well!
Elderly people may tell you, can not eat cold fruit, can not eat greasy, and even he could not let sauce cook.
May be unexpected is that the moss crowhop think of got on a vehicle, can not wait to tell Lily that he gave a new friend named Katie!
When an employee, contractor, business partner, or even a customer is not planning to deliver on what he or she has promised, you can always tell.
Wang Hongli, a Zhuangshi the men, if not tell you, no one he can not see what is different and ordinary people.
Excuse me, "she said," Can you tell me the way to King Street please? "the man smiled pleasantly." He did not understand English!
Tell Tom not to throw his weight about when he starts his new job. He can sit back quietly and pick up a few ideas from others.
I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong, I'm not a judge or jury, but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future!
He regains control after a moment and continues. 'I can tell that you are not one of them, so what do you want?
When he sees the good things to eat but can not eat, he will tell lies, making his partners feel both his loveliness and painfulness.
'Once we have a registration system, we can tell the couples what they may do and what they may not,' he said.
He did not need to falsify data to justify his procedure and I can tell you honestly that his procedure has worked wonderfully in some of our patients.
It's not my fault that I can't eat or rest. You wouldn't tell a drowning man to rest when he can see the shore!
It's not my fault that I can't eat or rest. You wouldn't tell a drowning man to rest when he can see the shore!