He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely.
Once a squeaky, geeky misfit kid himself, his inventing career began at the age of 16, when he devised a dynamic lighting system that could respond to sound.
He devised a very cunning scheme to help her.
So he devised a plan and hired some cronies to help him.
He devised a scheme, which proved to be a successful one.
At Bell Labs, he devised a way to cool, trap and manipulate individual atoms using lasers.
He devised a recovery plan, backed by massive marketing, and promoted Mr Bell to chief operating officer.
His devotion to the king was as pure as dew. he devised a new type of detector that was an electronic device.
He devised a special course for Yum! Called "Achieving Breakthrough Results" (ABR) that managers could teach to their subordinates.
He devised a closed toilet that gathered dung and urine into a container at the bottom, which was then used as organic fertilizer on his land.
He devised a set of racquetball rules based on the rules of squash and handball. Racquetball absorbed some features of tennis and became a new type sport.
Later, having read about Napoleon's military strategies, he devised a computer version of Risk, a board game he liked in which the goal is world domination.
To earn some money, he devised a course based on his training as an actor and his experience as a rather poor salesman, and focused it on how to conquer worry.
He says it's a 20-year pertinacity that began in the mid-1960s, while he devised a prototype of a excellent blue because the Museum of Natural History in New York.
Drivers had to be encouraged to travel at different times of the day. So he devised a new plan, one that charged both drivers and transit riders different rates at different times.
Through careful monitoring, he devised a regimen that called for starting patients on all three drugs and then stopping streptomycin, which can cause hearing loss, after several months.
In 1924 he convinced the British government to encircle the world with a chain of wireless stations using the latest technology that he had devised, shortwave radio.
He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidize.
His appetite for inventions went back to his childhood when he had devised a fork and spoon that could fit into a penknife.
Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist, who has devised a horrible plan for concluding his sermon.
He therefore turned to engineers working with the Jhai Foundation, who devised a machine that has no moving, and few delicate, parts.
The solution that he and Kiciman devised was to instead run a "headless browser"--an emulator that simulates only the functions of a Web browser essential to Ripley.
Dr Paabo says he will have a rough draft of the entire Neanderthal genome within two years, and that he has devised a way to make pyrosequencing ten times faster.
Based on his experience with the Science Barge, he has devised a rule of thumb: generating enough electricity using solar panels requires an area about 20 times larger than the area being illuminated.
He devised the Q Ratio, a formula that divides total market capitalization by the cost of replacing assets.
But a geneticist who studies big carnivores, Stephen o 'brien of the National Cancer Institute, devised a plan to save the panthers: he combined genetics and math to calculate the panther's fate.
There, he and his colleagues devised a scheme to marry photolithography, a technology used in semiconductor fabrication, to combinatorial chemistry.
Every morning he'd leave for his office, telling his wife he was writing his next play. In fact, Simon had become so engrossed in a dart game he'd devised that he had not written a word.
Every morning he'd leave for his office, telling his wife he was writing his next play. In fact, Simon had become so engrossed in a dart game he'd devised that he had not written a word.